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  • is there any way to make custom parameters in quickstart and utilize it in script ?


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    i want to make custom parameters in quickstart and make use of them by like Run-Time Type Information.

    for example , if param 1 is set as patternA, a script attacks monsterA, 

    and if param 1 is set as patternB, the script attacks monsterB.

    in short, i want to run the same script differently depending on quickstart parameters,

    so that i dont have to make many simular scripts.

    if it is possible, plz show me some exaple codes.

    thanks in advance.

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    yeah you can easily pass params from quickstart to your onStart method in your script


    Script setup (write your own code to handle the things you mentioned, this is just showing you how to pass the params)

    public void onStart(String... params) {
            for (String param : params) {
    			System.out.println(`Passed parameter: ${param}`);
    		onStart(); // Calling your default on start if you also plan on using this script without parameters
    public void onStart() {
    	// code you use with and without parameters (starting GUIs, kicking off establishing external connects etc)

    CLI Command building

    official docs are pretty POG -> https://dreambot.org/guides/user-guide/quickstart/#available-parameters

    In the 'Available Parameters' section of that post you'll see a flag called '-params' these are the params that get passed to your new onStart(String .. params){} method you added to your script.  

    java -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Test Script" -params Param1 Param2 Param3

    simple as that~

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