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    Hello. I was hoping You guys that sell agility scripts on the site could implement into Your script : If 'I cant reach that' appears more than once I.E. the script is stuck trying to go backwards through an agility course, that it resets the script so that it can head to the next obstacle instead of clicking 'I cant reach that' 300 times which is an obvious flag and instant ban for the buyer. Repeatedly clicking the same thing for no reason is one of Jagex' main detection methods. Like if You run out of natures and keep clicking a stacked item while auto alching. Youre road kill.  Ive noticed these agility scripts concurrently seem to have this issue. Thanks for Your time.

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    That would be on the script developers to implement not the client.  Your best course of action would be to contact the developer of the script and voice your concern / idea.

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    TBH that also just sounds like a really poorly written script, they are grabbing the game object to interact with ever loop and should only grab it the first time and then after that check if they successfully interacted with it or if the player has entered a fall area or the next roof top area. Hopefully you didn't pay too much for that script. 

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    On 6/24/2022 at 5:42 PM, RSMasterGuard said:

    TBH that also just sounds like a really poorly written script, they are grabbing the game object to interact with ever loop and should only grab it the first time and then after that check if they successfully interacted with it or if the player has entered a fall area or the next roof top area. Hopefully you didn't pay too much for that script. 

    thanks for pointing that out. Ya I realize now after being back on the scene for a week that it really is a bad script. Its old af and not even updated and does the same thing every loop. I dont want to stir bad blood but Ya i gotta just watch for whats what and pay close attention I guess. THanks for the reply

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    On 6/22/2022 at 6:08 PM, yeeter01 said:

    That would be on the script developers to implement not the client.  Your best course of action would be to contact the developer of the script and voice your concern / idea.

    thanks for the reply

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    6 hours ago, CIeetZ said:


    thanks for pointing that out. Ya I realize now after being back on the scene for a week that it really is a bad script. Its old af and not even updated and does the same thing every loop. I dont want to stir bad blood but Ya i gotta just watch for whats what and pay close attention I guess. THanks for the reply

    Nothing wrong with it doing the same thing ever lap, just needs to have some error handling in there and checks for when there are other factors at play like marks of grace or your fail a section and fall.

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    17 hours ago, RSMasterGuard said:

    Nothing wrong with it doing the same thing ever lap, just needs to have some error handling in there and checks for when there are other factors at play like marks of grace or your fail a section and fall.

    i disagree, if it does the same thing every lap once they get that in their algorithm its an instant ban in like an hour of running it. should have variation with different sized breaks in between actions with a variety of sequeences. in my opinion it should almost never do the exact same thing at any one part with the exact same time between doing it. everything should have half second variances (or longer) throughout which is the only way to  avoid falling into an algorithm that is easily detectable. 

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    1 hour ago, CIeetZ said:

    i disagree, if it does the same thing every lap once they get that in their algorithm its an instant ban in like an hour of running it. should have variation with different sized breaks in between actions with a variety of sequeences. in my opinion it should almost never do the exact same thing at any one part with the exact same time between doing it. everything should have half second variances (or longer) throughout which is the only way to  avoid falling into an algorithm that is easily detectable. 

    Oh gotcha, sorry I add that to my scripts by default so I consider doing the same thing every lap to mean exactly what you are referring to.

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