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    I bought an ubuntu 20.04 server, but I have no idea how to remote connect to it, so I can bot. First VPS ever, and I'm a boomer.

    I thought I only needed to install putty to access the server, but I'm not exactly sure what to do after logging in.

    Do I have to install the remote desktop on the server with putty somehow? Bought from Contabo if that helps.

    Trying to connect from a windows 10 pc.

    Thanks for the help, lmfao.


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    Once you finish installing everything you want via commant prompt, or whatever, you need to download something to connect to it.
    I use TightVNC viewer.

    Once you download it, and the setup is complete,  you must have set a password to connect to it (not ssh pw, vnc pw) & a port.


    Ex: IP/login would be the IP followed by : & the port. In this example, I'll use 5555 as the port, & a fake generic IP.


    Then connect with the password.  Hope it helped.  Gl :]

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    1 hour ago, oh_my_goth said:

    Once you finish installing everything you want via commant prompt, or whatever, you need to download something to connect to it.
    I use TightVNC viewer.

    Once you download it, and the setup is complete,  you must have set a password to connect to it (not ssh pw, vnc pw) & a port.


    Ex: IP/login would be the IP followed by : & the port. In this example, I'll use 5555 as the port, & a fake generic IP.


    Then connect with the password.  Hope it helped.  Gl :]

    Thanks for the reply!

    Once I log in with VNC viewer, it just opens CMD. I pretty much expected to be viewing a desktop when I logged in - so I could get straight to botting.

    Am I doing something wrong? 😮

    Kinda confused, I already have experience with ubuntu because it's on my laptop, but when it comes to setting this up I'm lost. lmao

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    Did you set it up??  Not just vnc pw/port & OS, you need to download EVERYTHING via command prompt, as you bought an unmanaged VPS, which means you have to set it up from scratch, essentially. 

    if you can't connect to it via vnc, probably means you didnt set it up properly...
    Unsure as if this guide works or not; just giving you an example of what you need to do in general, for you to get an idea of what you're missing.

    You can probably even google or find a more recent/up to date script on this, or other botting forums.  Gl :]

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    I think I'll just take the L on this one and buy another PC. I have 0 clue what I'm doing even with the guide. Lmaooooooo holy shit :P

    Thanks for the attempt at helping though!

    Edit: Ended up just cancelling my service. I was surprised at how hard it actually was to set up. GG $30.00

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