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    Just sharing my progress here, because why the fuck not. I like always having an account I'm botting on to see how far I can get. I've done this several times and gotten banned a few times, which I learned from so I'll try to get further this time.


    Here I will share some general information on how I'm going about things...

    I'm using a mixture of scripts I make myself, paid scripts and free scripts. I have a questing and Nmz script from another client, which will be my only paid scripts until I have money to buy scripts here on Dreambot (DB is my main client now).

    Scripts I have made myself so far:

    Motherlode script (which is on the SDN)

    Mud Rune crafter (Uses the Pendant method which is the fastest AFAIK)

    Sand Crab script

    Basic Fishing / Thieving script

    Avoiding bans

    Here I'll share some info I have gathered so other people can avoid bans too...

    #1 advice would be to switch up activies a lot, this has granted me the most success by far. I do something different every 1-2 hours.

    Scripts you make yourself are safer than public ones, especially free ones. More users = more data for Jagex = faster bans.

    I personally don't use breaks and never have, as long as you switch up activities you will be relatively fine.

    There are certain activies that are very bannable no matter what, and you need limit the time doing them as much as possible:

    Agility is the main dangerous skill, I don't bot more than 30 minutes/day.

    Questing is also very bannable, switch up activies a lot and do 2-4 quests a day max.

    Your location in game matters. There are hotspots where you'll get banned faster. For example instead of Barbarian Village I fish in Tree Gnome Stronghold.


    16/07/2021 - 3 days of progress, also 60+ quest points (Monkey Madness, Underground Pass done)




    Interesting read! I'll definately use some of these tips going forward with my scripting/botting adventures.


    Any advice on NMZ scripting? Have you ever been banned doing that before or is it less detectable because fewer player reports?


    2 minutes ago, Tamago said:

    Any advice on NMZ scripting? Have you ever been banned doing that before or is it less detectable because fewer player reports?


    Yes, probably one of the safest botting activities there is. Personally I got 2 accounts 80+ base melee stats there, and a 99 ranged and 99 atk/str account botting 12+ hours a day.


    Agility the most dangerous skill? That's my safest skill 0.0,
    I find just changing up your activities, making your own scripts / using premium not frequently used scripts will greatly reduce bans, almost regardless of what you are doing.

    18 hours ago, Bredz said:

    Agility the most dangerous skill? That's my safest skill 0.0,
    I find just changing up your activities, making your own scripts / using premium not frequently used scripts will greatly reduce bans, almost regardless of what you are doing.

    Agility safest? I can barely get Graceful without getting banned.


    Been botting my main with combo of paid and free scripts. Got to 99 in 2 melee stats, 90 in range and magic. Now working on base 70 - Likely won't bot agility or runecrafting. Total level is 1300+.

    Some days, I bot 24+ continously for a few days.


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