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  • [DB3] Cloakd Mahogany Homes (Construction Contracts) [PROGRESSIVE] [RESTOCKING] [MULING] [MULTI-BRAIN]

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    Posted (edited)






    All Locations & Contracts

    This script supports all current construction contracts & locations with intelligent travel & teleport options. The script can also be set to purchase all resources from the Grand Exchange as it levels for a full 1 click 99 experience.


    - Plank.png?d096f Planks

    Oak_plank.png?f6d05 Oak Planks

    - Teak_plank.png?9ae4d Teak Plank

    - Mahogany_plank.png?c365c Mahogany Planks



    This script allows for users to unlock the following rewards with construction points:

    Plank_sack.png?775eb Plank Sack

    Amy's_saw.png?2d4eb Amy's Saw

    Carpenter's_helmet.png?2d4eb Carpenter's_shirt.png?2d4eb Carpenter's_trousers.png?2d4eb Carpenter's_boots.png?2d4eb Construction Outfit

    Supply_crate_(Mahogany_Homes).png?2d4eb Supply Crates


    Plank Sack support

    Utilizes the plank sack for optimal EXP/hr, can also optionally unlock the sack upon reaching 350 construction points


    Progressive Mode

    Progessive mode will take an account from 1 to 99 Construction based on the contract mode set in the GUI. By using Auto mode the script will progressively use the best contracts available for optimal EXP/hr


    - Automated Muling

    When used with CloakdMule any profits made can be offloaded onto an external mule account at a set interval or upon hitting a gold goal

    - Gold & Item Retrieval

    - Gold & Item Offload

    - Customizable from GUI


    - GE Restocking

    Automatically restock any needed supplies such as teleports, planks & steel bars . Will also sell any items specified within the GUI

    - Realtime Price Updates

    - Customizable purchasing options set in GUI

    - Multiple Retries


    - Real Player Detection & Hopping

    Intelligently hop from REAL players, not just anyone


    MultiBrain Technology

    Cloakd Scripts utilize its unique Multi-Brain technology to provide the most fluid and efficient actions


    - DreamBot 3 Ready

    This script has been built from the ground up along side the beta to support all of DreamBot 3's new capabilities. This includes Antipattern unqiue to DreamBot 3 along with Resizeable support and much more!


    - Turing Complete

    By utilizing logic validation and MultiBrain technology, the script will never stop or idle



    Script emulates human like breaks, idles and reaction times

    Randomized positioning

    Randomized pathing

    Human Like Idling & Afk

    Randomized collection & banking

    Zoom/Camera Support

    Resizable Mode

    Real-Time Pattern Heuristics

    Advanced Fatigue System modelled from Human data - Over 30 datapoints of variatio



    Required: Enough gold to purchase supplies


    Intuative GUI & Options









      CLI Options




    Progress Reports



    Script Trials

    Auto Trials Available on the SDN!



    Bug Reports

    Provide as much info on the bug as possible

    Provide a print screen of the client + the debug console


    Release Notes


    v1.0 - Pending

    - Initial Release



    Edited by TheCloakdOne

    Any reason why this script doesn't use stamina potions? (Just from watching the video)

    2 hours ago, ccigam said:

    Any reason why this script doesn't use stamina potions? (Just from watching the video)

    Hey i havent set it to in the video, can add as GUI option

    1 minute ago, ccigam said:

    Please do, would make it much faster

    Added in latest release :) Staminas will be drunk when in banking interface

    Cloakd Mahogany Homes has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v1.12 and is available in the client!


    Does this script support NPC contact from the lunar spell book?

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