Hashtag 8936 Posted May 22, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes This thread lists all nodes available in the Visual Scripting tool. Node Palette Event On Start On Loop On Chat Message Control If Statement Bernoulli Trial Logic Compare Objects Compare Booleans Compare Numbers And Or Not Math Arithmetic Operation Maximum Minimum Absolute Square Root Exponentiation Round Filter Custom Filter Name Equals Name Contains Name Starts With Name Ends With World Entity Entity Info Find Entity Interact With Entity Local Player Exists Is Moving Is Animating Is In Area Has Action Has Model Colors Inventory Inventory Info Inventory Contains Drop Items Bank Is Bank Open Open Bank Bank Contains Deposit Items All Withdraw Item X Withdraw Item All Walking Should Walk Walk To Distance To Tile Dialogue Dialogue Info Mouse Move Mouse Outside Move Mouse Minimap Utility Print To Console Random Text Sleep Sleep Until Variable Set Variable Get Variable
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 22, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > On Start Name On Start Category Event Description This event is invoked one time upon script start. Options None Inputs None Outputs None Exits Continue On Start is commonly used to configure script settings and initialize variable values. Because any code connected to this node is executed only one time when the script is started, it is adviced not to connect any logic that interacts with the game to this node.
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 22, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > On Loop Name On Loop Category Event Description This event is invoked repeatedly and should contain the script's main logic. Options None Inputs Delay Start: the duration to wait before looping again. Input a value in milliseconds. Outputs None Exits Continue On Loop is the entry point for a script's logic. The Delay Start parameter determines the duration to wait before looping again. For example, having 1000 as the value would result in one second wait before each loop. While a low value makes the script react faster to changes in the game, it also increases the performance overhead of the script. On Loop is required for every script built with the Visual Scripting tool.
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 22, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > On Chat Message Name On Chat Message Category Event Description This event is invoked when a chat message of selected type is received. Options Message Type: Game, Player, Trade, Clan, Private Inputs None Outputs Message Contents: the contents of the message Arrival Time: when the message arrived Sender Name: who sent the message (null if none) Exits Continue On Chat Message can be used to have a script listen to game messages. Because this node is executed on a separate thread from the main script loop, it is not adviced to connect any logic that interact with the game to this node. Instead, this listener should be used to change variable values the main loop logic uses. If there are duplicates of this node with the same Message Type, the nodes are executed in random order.
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 23, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > If Statement Name If Statement Category Control Description Branches flow by checking if a condition is true or false. Options None Inputs Condition: the condition to check Outputs None Exits True: the condition was true False: the condition was false If Statements are an essential part of a script. They allow the script to execute different code based on the input boolean condition. For example, an If Statement can be used to achieve the following behaviour: Is inventory full? Yes: deposit logs in a bank No: chop trees Is my player in combat? Yes: wait until out of combat No: attack nearby monster
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 23, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > Bernoulli Trial Name Bernoulli Trial Category Control Description Branches flow based on a bernoulli trial with given success probability. Options None Inputs Success Probability: the probability to return Success. Input a number between 0 and 1. Outputs None Exits Success: the outcome of the experiment was success Fail: the outcome of the experiment was failure Bernoulli Trial can be used to introduce randomness in a script. It allows the script to execute different code based on random chances. For example, a Bernoulli Trial node can be used to achieve the following behaviour: Perform a Bernoulli Trial 60% chance: move mouse outside screen 40% chance: do nothing
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 23, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > Compare Objects Name Compare Objects Category Logic Description Compares two objects to determine whether they are equal. Options Comparison: the comparison type, either Equal or Not Equal. Inputs Input A: the object (of any type) to compare Input B: the object (of any type) to compare against Outputs Result: the result as a boolean Exits None
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 23, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > Compare Booleans Name Compare Booleans Category Logic Description Compares two booleans based on the selected option. Options Comparison: Are Both True, Are Both False, Is Either True, Is Only One True Inputs Input A: the first boolean to compare Input B: the second boolean to compare Outputs Result: the result as a boolean Exits None
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 23, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > Compare Numbers Name Compare Numbers Category Logic Description Compares two numbers based on the selected option. Options Comparison: A < B, A > B, A == B, A != B, A <= B, A >= B Inputs Input A: the number to compare Input B: the number to compare against Outputs Result: the result as a boolean Exits None Compare Numbers can be used to compare two numbers with the following options: A < B: is A less than B? A > B: is A greater than B? A == B: are A and B equal? A != B: are A and B not equal? A <= B: is A less than or equal to B? A >= B: is A greater than or equal to B? For example, a Compare Numbers node can be used to check if the distance to a tile is less than 10, indicating that a location of interest is near.
Hashtag 8936 Author Posted May 23, 2021 Visual Scripting for DreamBot > Available Nodes > And Name And Category Logic Description Compares two booleans to determine if both of them are true. Options None Inputs Input A: the first boolean to check Input B: the second boolean to check Outputs Result: the result as a boolean Exits None
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