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  • rimmington miner


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    dreambot once had a free script that ran any ore from remmington mine to port srim bank deposit and for what ever reason is no longer on here can i get a re upload of the script or can someone make it again 



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    2 hours ago, oogaboga said:

    dreambot once had a free script that ran any ore from remmington mine to port srim bank deposit and for what ever reason is no longer on here can i get a re upload of the script or can someone make it again 



    The script you are talking about was broke and the scripter did not maintain it. The script was removed to prevent people from running a broke script and having a bad experience.


    As for a remake hopefully you'll get lucky and someone will, but I am sure their are other scripts on the SDN that have this functionality or a dev who wouldn't mind adding it if you asked. 

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    4 hours ago, oogaboga said:

    dreambot once had a free script that ran any ore from remmington mine to port srim bank deposit and for what ever reason is no longer on here can i get a re upload of the script or can someone make it again 



    Hi, I might remake in my free time if there is interest.

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    @yeeter01 @Hashtag the rimmington miner did work without any special knowlege or tweaking i could start the script anywhere it would run to rimmigton mine and the deposit @jberry1 his 2 scripts he has up dont work  im hopeing someone can reupload it to the sdn or send it to me iv also put a request in to make another but still grinds my gears the only working miner got deleted


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    1 hour ago, oogaboga said:

    @yeeter01 @Hashtag the rimmington miner did work without any special knowlege or tweaking i could start the script anywhere it would run to rimmigton mine and the deposit @jberry1 his 2 scripts he has up dont work  im hopeing someone can reupload it to the sdn or send it to me iv also put a request in to make another but still grinds my gears the only working miner got deleted


    Hi , I just wrote a Rimmington miner script I'll submit a request to have it put on the SDN, supports powermining,banking, and using glory to bank

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    I'm so sorry @oogaboga, i made the remmingtonminer, and it has since been updated to be the AIOminer, I'm going to look into adding deposit boxes back in, but for now i would like to offer assistance in making the new version work for you. Please respond with any problems you are having, also make sure to start the script logged in.

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    sorry for being bratty and iv only got it to work in the lumbridge swamp mine it took a lil while to find that it actually works if you could see whats up with that? cus it wont mine in rimmington and yes the port sarim deposit box needs to be added XD @jberry   @Dockid i will definitely use it thank youuuuu 

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    So you should be able to start the script in the area of the ore you want to mine, or press set area, and select the ore, and the bank you want to use, they are sorted so that the closest ones show up first.

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