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    Needing a script to keep accounts logged in.  Any kind of small movements or clicks on random things every 4-8 minutes.  Anyone know of such a thing, or of a way to achieve this? 

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    12 minutes ago, miked said:

    Needing a script to keep accounts logged in.  Any kind of small movements or clicks on random things every 4-8 minutes.  Anyone know of such a thing, or of a way to achieve this? 

    splash, 1 click every 10-15 mins so you don't log out.

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    smth i threw together :)) its not good but u get the idea

    randomswitch = randomNum(1,100);
    if (randomswitch >= 50) {
    	log("walking to random location");
    	getWalking().walk(new Tile(randomNum(3215, 3220), randomNum(3236, 3241)));
    }else if (randomswitch < 50) {
    	if (randomswitch <= 17) {
    		log("Talking with magic tutor");
    		npc = getNpcs().closest("Magic combat tutor");
    	}else if (randomswitch > 17 && randomswitch <= 32) {
    		log("Talking with melee tutor");
    		npc = getNpcs().closest("Melee combat tutor");
    	}else if (randomswitch > 32 && randomswitch <= 49) {
    		log("Talking with combat tutor");
    		npc = getNpcs().closest("Ranged combat tutor");

    I also attached a file with a .jar file with this script in it in case u dont know what any of this means. Just download the file and put it in Users>*USERNAME*>Dreambot>Scripts. its real shit so enjoi it, i also fked around a little with the GUI and paint because im still learning and wanted to try it out.


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    Is there a specific script I can have splash once every 10 or so minutes? rather than constantly. 



    I have forced myself to learn enough programming to understand what your script is doing, but I don't know enough to evolve that into a working DB script. Thanks for that though!

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    9 hours ago, miked said:

    Is there a specific script I can have splash once every 10 or so minutes? rather than constantly. 



    I have forced myself to learn enough programming to understand what your script is doing, but I don't know enough to evolve that into a working DB script. Thanks for that though!

    you can't stay 100% idle for 10minutes... you gotta be doing something... what you can do tho is use


    to schedule your actions, something like

    if (timeElapsed > TIME_FOR_ACTION) {
    //Do something

    and keep looping this shit

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