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  • Pandemic

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    Everything posted by Pandemic

    1. Those have already been refunded.
    2. Refunded that (no usage).
    3. You can find backups at C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\backups\, just sort by newest and you can copy and paste that into the BotData folder and rename it to "accounts.db" then try loading the client. Hope that helps
    4. Refunded that renewal to credit, and it looks like you've already canceled the renewals on that script. It looks like Sub Slayer - Advanced, Sub Account Builder V2, and VIP all still have renewals enabled. You can review and cancel the other renewals you have here if you'd like: https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/clients/purchases/ Thanks!
    5. Refunded that (3 minutes of usage). @Gains please take a look at this report and fix any issues if found. Thanks!
    6. Refunded that (1 minute of usage).
    7. Hey there, Unfortunately that purchase was made in October of last year which is far outside our 14 day grace period for refunds. You can contact the script writer to get some assistance with that issue, however. Sorry!
    8. Refunded that (no usage).
    9. Refunded that (20 minutes of use).
    10. Unfortunately we don't make the scripts, so usually the scripter has already been paid so we can't do swaps / partial refunds outside of our grace period
    11. The latest hotfix includes a fix for that issue, close any clients and run the launcher to get that update.
    12. Sorry to hear that, I've refunded the purchase (< 6 hours of usage). Thanks!
    13. Hello everyone! A new version of DreamBot is now live! Changes: Logger#log of a null object will now log 'null' in the console Added an extra check during Menu#clickIndex in case the menu is closed after moving to the menu row Deprecated and updated name of FairyLocation Always remember, to be on the latest version of our client you must run DBLauncher.jar! The client does NOT update itself! Thanks, The Dream Team
    14. You'd have better luck contacting the script writers directly on their Discord servers, I believe both of those scripters have one. Otherwise you can PM them here on the forums.
    15. Hey there, Unfortunately that purchase is outside of our grace period for refunds (14 days), so this request is denied. Sorry!
    16. Hello everyone! A new version of DreamBot is now live! Changes: Added the other Shantay pass web nodes Various minor changes Always remember, to be on the latest version of our client you must run DBLauncher.jar! The client does NOT update itself! Thanks, The Dream Team
    17. Hello everyone! A new version of DreamBot is now live! Changes: You can now use -displayName quickstart parameter to get specific Jagex Account Characters during login utility You can now use -jagexAccountIndex quickstart parameter to select a specific index of your account (starting at 0) Fixed local script loading issue Various minor improvements Always remember, to be on the latest version of our client you must run DBLauncher.jar! The client does NOT update itself! Thanks, The Dream Team
    18. https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/clients/purchases/
    19. Hello everyone! A new version of DreamBot is now live! Changes: Added Pest Control ShipWebNode Added Tempoross web nodes Updated minimap and clickable area for game update Always remember, to be on the latest version of our client you must run DBLauncher.jar! The client does NOT update itself! Thanks, The Dream Team
    20. Hey there, once imported you can select which character you want to use is in the bottom of the Script Manager before choosing a script. You can't really manually login with the new characters, so you'd need to start a script and let our handler log in to the correct character.
    21. It seems to still be working fine for me, odds are your proxy/VPN/home IP is soft locked from their servers which requires a captcha (or something else), so you'd need to use something like Proto's tool to use the actual launcher.
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