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  • dQw4w9WgXcQ

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    Everything posted by dQw4w9WgXcQ

    1. discord: Rickk#2039

    2. hm, it didnt during nature spirit. it did during animal magnitism also there was a walking bug walking from the grotto island -> drezvel, got stuck on island
    3. also you should make it auto equip the amulet of ghostspeak
    4. nezz was showing off some of the new gui in disc the other day, so its being worked on again
    5. yeah, it was trying to break the fally tele tab before closing the bank i believe.
    6. looks good testing it out now update: tested everything but: mtd, the rfd quests, prince ali rescue, lost city, fishing contest, animal magnetism it did everything well except it got stuck once due to dreambots webwalker (priest in peril quest). https://streamable.com/sfcqo also it didnt close the bank before teleporting to fally during "looking for squire" task of knights sword. good work saved me a lot of time/frustration making it myself edit: also, during fight arena quest, you dont need to kill the final boss to finish the quest, you can just leave another suggestion, when populating the quest list in gui, only add quests that haven't been done. shouldn't be hard to change.
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