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  • LsakDjFlasgn

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    1. Pollniv course is crashing, its always taking me to the bank now, and just does nothing, yesterday was good, does this script have been updated recently? UPDATE: For some reason I need a full charged glory to work, the one I had was empty charges. Even if I was in pollniv recently..
    2. Yes sir, I left my account with the same stuff as the previus version, it has food and stamina (4) but keep telleing to GE, didn't touch a single thing.
    3. It keeps telleing to GE, its broken I guess, can't do Seers Village laps even if I have all the needed stuff on inv. Last version was perfect. this one just goes to grand exchange..please fix bro
    4. tittle says all. Day 2 of bells palsy, cuz of ansiety maybe. Any of you had this before?
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