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  • vilioski

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    1. tested in mass only. NOT WORTH THE PURCHASE at all.... Sure its the only one available but it messes up too often. id wait for it to be updated more. might be a bit rushed to release. Only collects ONE tephra ore from North East formation, smelts it then, imbues at altar. (unless that rock is your glowing rock then you'll get +/-3) If Zalcano SHIELD health isn't pass a certain HP threshold by the time it does the three steps above it will run to mine ONE single rock. Which then makes it run around like a chicken without a head trying to dodge falling rocks and that makes it too slow to do any damage during the damage phase. THIS SITUATION HAPPENS VERY OFTEN DUE TO ONLY GETTING 1 SINGLE ROCK WHICH MAKES ITS QUICKER THEN EVERYONE ELSE. OUT OF 10 ROUNDS THE BOT IS ONLY SUCCESSFUL 3 OR 4 TIMES. There are also two or three symbol paths that you take damage no matter what. IF there is a symbol between the rock and furnace but closer to the furnace, the bot runs past the red taking zero damage, the bot reacts by running away then back into it. if you have lower then around 80-90hp YOU WILL DIE. its also very slow to eat. If Zalcano isn't killed in mass immediately, the bot just stands there doing nothing until Zalc is ready to be mined again. Many times Zalc was left at 1-5hp and the bot relied on others to do shield damage again. It only takes 12 jugs of wine and 1 stamina pot and banks when the stamina pot runs out. Sips 1 at around 65 run energy left and doesn't eat to full at bank. Writing this review one hour into trial and I've had to baby sit the bot the entire time. Would Glady edit this review when most of these issues are fixed.
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