Now completes the 'His Faithful Servants' quest automatically
If your settings never use an equipment style (like melee, for example) that equipment will be automatically ignored now
Increased maximum possible prayer potions per inventory to 16
This script is now supported and integrated as an add-on to Sub Account Builder
Added setting to choose attack style in the tunnels
Improved looting and fixed looting bugs
Improved heal/potion timing (especially against Verac)
Improved Barrows emergency fleeing
Improved click accuracy in the tunnels
Improved combat decisions in the tunnels
Improved resupply timing
Fixed barrows tunnel pathing in some situations
Fixed restocking when out of ammo
Fixed boost potions trigger
Fixed recharging Iban's staff
Fixed regearing with Iban's staff
Fixed avoiding Chivalry prayer when it isn't unlocked
Fixed Masori, Torva, and Desert Treasure 2 equipment requirements
Fixed restocking enough Rings of dueling
Fixed stuck at Ferox in some situations
Fixed using no potion for some combat styles
All of these changes are live on the current version.