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  • mandat

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    1. Bullshit, canceled automatic renew and it AGAIN took my money for it. Not expecting a refund, as author doesn't give a shit, but yet again I paid for something I DONT WANT. So be careful folks
    2. It's a really good script, Sub is definitely one of the best out there. I'm using it almost a month now and there is one problem I need help with, so I bought a 1 instance for a 1 month and now I can see in my bank that it took money again for another month (even few days before a full month of use) but I wanted this as a one time buy, not an automatic continuation every month. So what's that about, am I missing something? I don't want another month, would rather want to try something else.
    3. Script is doing 1 inv of stuff and thats all, no deposit, no taking more for grinding. Thank god it was trial.
    4. Yes, here you go, just happened again with my first clue: 08:26:35: [INFO] MESSAGE: You give Charlie the iron ore. 08:26:36: [INFO] gave charlie 08:26:37: [INFO] Clue: I have given the iron ore to Charlie, maybe I should talk to him. 08:26:37: [ERROR] Clue not supported: I have given the iron ore to Charlie, maybe I should talk to him. 08:26:37: [INFO] Stopped Beginner Clue Solver! 08:26:38: [INFO] Successfully downloaded web nodes (latest)! 08:26:38: [INFO] Stopping script: Beginner Clue Solver So yeah, it just doesn't want to talk to Charlie again.
    5. Thank you, custom gear is a must in my case. After adding that I would love to try it again, as I will buy for sure one of the wildy bosses script soon and I'm not sure what to choose atm. True, it took things like dragon bones for sell, so you're right, my bad!
    6. Cool thing, trying it out right now! The best thing you could add to this is usage of energy potions to speed things up. Ok, after a little bit of testing there is one major problem, script stops after giving Charlie the Tramp requested item. (doesn't even click on him again for a casket, just fully stops and you disconnect after idling for some time)
    7. Very disappointing, it forces you to use some exact gear, forget about berserker ring, it HAS to buy lightbearer. You can only choose GP value of used gear, but it doesnt work properly, setting like 10M for Viggora's, it tries to buy Ursine's for this price etc. Even with 100M in cash bot likes to sell some stuff from your bank, like wtf... It has even problem with getting started, because just is sitting at G.E, equipping things that you dont want to equip, just to deposit them all soon after to the bank, buy/sell some more things. Once it bought rune boots, but I had dragon ones in bank and set enough GP in bot options to choose dragon boots, strange things are happening all the way. Yeah, got like 1,5h more of trial but im done, wanted to compare it with Pyfa's spindel bot and all can I say - choose Pyfa's one if you want to have effective and working exactly as you want Spindel bot. Don't get me wrong, your bot HAVE potential, % for ignoring spiderlings, darts and some more like this are amazings concepts, but first you need to make it to the Spindel cave and it seems very hard for a bot for now.
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