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  • CatnipandMilk

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    Everything posted by CatnipandMilk

    1. This is dead. Stay tuned for a new version that makes Jagex accounts.
    2. Replace this part: # Updated template for the batch file batch_template = """start java -Xmx500M -jar "{client_jar_path}" -schedule Fresh -proxyHost -proxyPort 0000 -accountUser "{email}" -accountPass {password} -userhome {email} -covert timeout /t 900 /nobreak REM Wait for 900 seconds (15 minutes) taskkill /F /IM java.exe exit with your script and it's parameters/arguments/CLI commands # Updated template for the batch file batch_template = """start java -Xmx500M -jar C:/Users/YOURUSER/DreamBot/BotData/client.jar -schedule Fresh -proxyHost -proxyPort 0000 -script "BarMiner" -params "Bronze - Lumbridge" -account "[email protected]" -covert -world f2p timeout /t 900 /nobreak REM Wait for 900 seconds (15 minutes) taskkill /F /IM java.exe exit If you don't have a proxy, just delete that part.
    3. The quest numbers for the CLI are off. Number 5 is the restless ghost quest
    4. Not with this script. It uses Scrappey API to handle the proxies. I'm also interested in making a side-fork that allows users to input their own proxies and useragents, so if I get some more time- I'll work on that.
    5. I've ran it with sleep breaks for several days now. 50 mining, 50 RC on an ironman. It did get stuck with the freaky forester for a bit.
    6. You can run as many accounts as you open. It makes a batch file for each account and you can just open all of them at once with CPU/RAM being the limiting factor.
    7. This is a great script. Functioned for 47 hours before I got them off air runes. Parameters would be cool. like have a parm for rune, mining/buying ess, buy tiaras, and just do like 280 ess for mining.
    8. Nah, like I noticed they all walk to the same exact bank spot on the same path. You can change this to an area that encompasses the bank to have more randomization on pathing.
    9. Can you change the walking to x tile to walking towards area and set the areas to the banks?
    10. I've gotten like 1/3 of them banned making and testing scripts. So I couldn't really tell you. It's a suicide botter's dream tho.
    11. This is why I released it. The signup page directs you to create a Jagex account the majority of the time. when it doesn't see the sign-up form- it tries a new session. If the email is taken, it should let you know and then remove it from the list, but I don't think that works well.
    12. This can be fixed with an "if can continue, continue" loop in the script.
    13. We love to see fast turnarounds on updates for free scripts. Out here doing the Lord's work.
    14. I've been going for like, three weeks now. I don't even wanna give Jamflex an estimate lmao. You can increase efficiency by using emails you know for sure don't have accounts and/or reduce the number of retries.
    15. Just added an aff link to the yt vid. Got Scrappey to revive their aff program lmao
    16. CatnipandMilk


      This might be a memory leak, Java installation error, or a firewall/av/bad internet? Never experienced this.
    17. Can you add arg for CLI launching of specific quests/combinations? Goblin, Romeo, Cook, Ernest, Sheep, Ghost
    18. I believe this can be fixed with 'pip install scrappey-wrapper' into the same cmd console. And yeah, always check code before running it. This one should be simple enough for anyone to figure out how it works.
    19. Posted: https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/topic/28759-catnips-account-creation-tool/
    20. Lightweight and barely working. I figured if they are going to fully switch to Jagex accounts, I could release this almost outdated script. Today, it is working on about 1/3 of the attempts. I also have an email name generator that is a perfect pair for this script. Here is a link on how to set it up: Youtube Here are the files: https://github.com/CatnipandMilk Hope you guys use it while you can. Please be considerate of other users and try not to ruin this.
    21. I've been thinking about this. If the launcher can be adapted to launch the client, there shouldn't be an issue creating Jagex accounts. The main change is the process now needs a confirmation code from the email- not an email verification link clicked. We could use outlook API to pull these codes, but I'm not the best at this and Ive been getting GPT3 and Blackbox to help. Give me a few hours and I'll clean up of my garbage and post a link.
    22. I have a JS script that makes them. It seems like about 1/3 of the time they immediately ask you to make a Jagex account instead of an OSRS account. My script just tries again until it makes normal accounts. I suppose if it is coming to an end, I should release it.
    23. 8:41:32 PM: [SCRIPT] Quests : Sheep Shearer 8:41:32 PM: [SCRIPT] Quests : Romeo & Juliet 8:41:35 PM: [INFO] [SYSTEM INFO] DreamBot Version: 3.23.3 / Script Running: Wet Quests v1.0 by wettofu / Java: Oracle Corporation version 17.0.9 / OS: Windows 10 version 10.0 / Memory: 237.41MB used out of 295.00MB total 8:42:34 PM: [WARN] This script threw an error, contact the script writer. 8:42:34 PM: [ERROR] Exception has occurred while running! Please report error to developer if problem persists: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.GameObject.getTile()" because the return value of "q.a(String)" is null at q.o(q.java:94) at q.g(q.java:46) at v.onLoop(v.java:56) at org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript.run(AbstractScript.java) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:842)
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