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  • sealevi

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    Everything posted by sealevi

    1. Also, this bot is running flawless but it does have one weakness... it is rare but there is a chance when it walks back to the bank that it accidentally misclicks on the poll booth thats right next to the banking chest, when the poll interface opens up it COMPLETELY bricks the bot and it just stares at the screen. if you could implement so that it would close the poll booth and continue that would be great. once again, rare occurance. has happened only twice in 10-15 hours of botting, but i have came back to the screen to the bricked poll screen twice
    2. thanks. its a popular iron man food because they sell it at the warriors guild for 10gp and it heals 16. its all i have
    3. Odd, i'm using an infernal axe and it does not do that for me. is it automatically enabled with an infernal axe as well?
    4. it just says "the script threw an error, contact the script owner" it bricks when it has to light its own burners in my POH. It's working just fine in world 330 in somebody elses house though, when i disable light burners and use a random guys house the bot works fine
    5. script gives me an error on every single trip after it lights the second burner settings: rimmington, my house, light burners
    6. is this bot ever going to see a dragon axe/infernal axe special attack feature? loving this bot so far. i would also like to see the way that the logs are dropped be randomized. it follows the same dropping pattern every single time, seems un human like, it would be cool if it would alternate between a left to right and a zig-zag style dropping pattern. the same one over and over seems like it would be easier to detect, and this would throw some randomization in there
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