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  • Trueamatie

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    Trueamatie last won the day on April 14 2023

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    1. Date Purchased: 03-03-2024 Script Purchased:# Guardians of the Rift Script Creator (tag them with @): @Hashtag Reason for Refund: I thought i needed the script to use grunecrafting lava runes for the element ring turns out it just buys it :x my bad nothing against the script itself was a mispurchase and i am a big fan of # scripts ( havnt run it ) Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): - Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): - Desired Outcome: Store credit please
    2. yup no hard feelings who knows maybe ill actually use it somewhere down the line
    3. Date Purchased: 12/06/2023 Script Purchased: globalfighter Script Creator (tag them with @): @BankException Reason for Refund: havnt used at all (thought i would) Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): havnt used Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): havnt used Desired Outcome:Store credit
    4. Date Purchased: 12/11/23 Script Purchased: gblastfurnace Script Creator (tag them with @): @Nuclear Nezz Reason for Refund: havnt used it and i probably wont anytime soon (thought i would) Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): havnt run at all Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): havnt run at all Desired Outcome: Store credit
    5. Animal magntism gets broken on some accounts. It dies during the quest which is weird. since its a safe quest. And after the it has died the script retrieves the items goes to ge and tells me its completed. So i have to go complete it manually on the accounts that did get that bug. bcuz you cant restart the script with animal magntism cuz it needs to be not started. Since i am not watching i can''t really correct this activly. and running multiple accs. Caught it on one account. It actually ends up here (pics). It shouldnt even be there at any point. But yeah it gets attacked and will get stuck in a loop of walking back and forth while being hit untill it dies. Can this be fixed litterally running many accs and many more to do. Can you push a fix for this? @SubCZ
    6. hmm okay just check out your pm please. i resend it. since theres a video with sensetive information. my discord is r2333/ gnasggab214y
    7. Send you a video of the weird resetting it always does and it afking for too long waiting for the crabs to respawn months ago. you said you will check it out. was way too hard to reach you also. Had to get someone in your discord tell you to check it out. months later this shit is still not fixed and no communication back from you after you said you would check it out. little click to stay logged in wouldve been enough. and reset the instant the crabs become unagroed and are all killed. it always waits for all the crabs to spawn before realizing it has to reset. causing it to log out because its waiting too long. also this script is very bannable. because of those things but appearantly you refuse to make it better @Zawy . Im very dissapointed. Did you even check it out? lol. Honestly i expected more from you especially since you have one of the most expensive scripts on here. If you want me to resend the video let me know because that shit is not good. logs everytime. always same reset spot. lmk lmk.
    8. Script works good, allthough you have to buy the logs yourself. which is no problem but if you keep the noted logs in your inventory with a tinderbox. it will just try to set the noted logs on fire. you have to manually put it in the bank. then it will run. just seems weird that it doesnt do that by itself and notices that it needs to bank the inventory to start.
    9. lol just got the pet twice in about 10 kills, thought id let you know i didnt recieve a discord message about it and also it didnt pick up the pet. letting you know because you did an update where it would pick up the pet.
    10. Oh, but ive been running it for about 2 hours now on 2 accounts and it has done it every time so far maybe i have too low stats atm but it seems to be triggered atm by the 3rd crab respawning might be just low stats ill check this out tomorrow if its fixed. also it says ¨waiting for crabs to respawn¨ when its waiting for the 3rd crab to spawn and then goes to resetting that is what making me think it is that.
    11. Hi, I´ve just got this script and been using it and i have a few questions: I´ve been noticing that the bot works fine with resetting etc and the option with tasks is really nice. but theres 3 things that stand out to me. 1. When using the 3 crab spot. it will sometimes afk so long that the account will log out. because it will wait for all crabs to respawn and afk that time. 2. It will wait to reset untill all 3 crabs are respawned. this probably causes the logout because it will wait for the crabs to respawn. and then notice it doesnt have agro anymore. using this on a low level account atm. so when it gets higher level it will kill it faster and probably not log out. because the respawn timer will be faster but idk if this is intentional. 3. When it is afking waiting for the crabs to respawn and not have agro anymore. it will wait untill all 3 crabs are respawned. but if someone happens to walk over your crabs this basicly makes it so it wont notice it has to reset and will log out. and just stands there till the crabs are despawned to their original place. then notices it has to reset. It would be nice to have it notice it has to reset after the first crab isnt agroed anymore after killing all the agroed crabs. And have the bot click the crabs if they are scattered around the spot its using when theres no crabs to be killed and then return to its spot. could this be done? Also it threw this error im not sure if it has anything to do with this but it says to contact you about it: [WARN] This script threw an error, contact the script writer. [ERROR] Exception has occurred while running! Please report error to developer if problem persists java.lang.NullPointerException at X.b(X.java:43) at q.onLoop(q.java:132) at org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript.run(AbstractScript.java:237) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) thanks
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