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  • wettofu

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    Everything posted by wettofu

    1. Thank you, I'll take a look at it
    2. hell yea, but I thought your primary was being high very epic things indeed, I hope you and doggo get better soon
    3. Well, it's been quite the while since I last logged onto runescape. I guess since now my script is broken, I will pull the plug for good.
    4. Sorry for late response, I'll check on that soon I will make sure to up the prices and fix that sheep shearer bug
    5. Hmm, are you turning on queue, running any skills, or not using the queue system for quests at all
    6. Don’t bot, play the game first
    7. Correlation ≠ Causation
    8. Yea, I thought it gave you invisibility until some pker killed me and told me to sit :((
    9. Fixed, will push for update later today
    10. You are paying for the ability to use more than 2 clients, not fooking invincibility
    11. I never understand anyone who encounters this error, how much gp is in your inventory and what specific quest so maybe I can try to replicate the problem
    12. To anyone wondering where the fuck are the updates, I've been fairly demotivated to bot and therefore, haven't touched this script in a while. But I am here to say I am going to return to botting therefore I will be pumping out bug fixes for a large portion of quests and if I feel extra happy with how my script is doing on my end, I'll rerelease all the member's quests which should total to around 62 quests.
    13. That still doesn't help me, I need to know what quests, are you using the quest queue system and what quest does it say it's doing on the log
    14. Unsure of the problems you are going through, probably won't be able to replicate it either unless you tell me in specifics. I have yet to bug fix because I cba to get on osrs rn but hopefully I'll get to it by the end of this week.
    15. I will re run sheep shearer to see if I can replicate bugs and such. Also, talking about work going to waste, it is true that I have put in hours on this only for it to not really add up to anything. I am currently, once again, taking a break from osrs so there exists no reason to bot and since I am not botting, I’m not really turning a profit. Not only that, but these accounts do add up when trying to do bug fixes because not only do I have to make the accounts, I have to get all the prerequisites for certain quests and I aint bouta do all that just for a minor bug fix. And the worst part, you really only get one try to replicate the bug, else you end up having to repeat account creation until finally shit appears and you clean up stuff. I am not talking about this stuff aiming it towards you, but just anyone who is probably going to reply asking for the whatever 60 quests that were originally here. Anywho, I’ll run it tomorrow and see if I can replicate the bug, have a good rest of your day Edit: Oh yea, I don’t sell my scripts because I don’t see an incentive when there are just so much better scripts that fulfill people’s needs better than mine.
    16. I apologize for taking down the quests, perhaps you can spend money and buy a quester that suits your needs instead of expecting good things to be free.
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