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  • lordhandlee

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    Everything posted by lordhandlee

    1. Creating a new bank tab seemed to solve the issue of getting stuck in a loop withdrawing/depositing noted items. I will update if the issue presents itself again. I can confirm Dreambot's walker api is interfering with this script since I also had the same issue where Rquester stopped working because it failed to calculate path from tile A to B according to the debug console. I can also confirm that Tree Gnome Village is bugged and currently not working. The script gets stuck on "Talking to King Bolren".
    2. Hmm. It seems I do have the latest version of Java. It updates automatically on my pc. I wonder what caused it. I guess I could write my own script to check every 5 minutes to see if Rquester encounters that issue and if so, then reset dreambot and Rquester.
    3. I haven't updated Java recently so that could be it.
    4. According to the post it should not have exited out of the script but it did in my case. How can I prevent the mouse click being canceled from happening again?
    5. This error occured on quest Tree Gnome Village. I took screenshots but Dreambot will not allow me to upload more than 512kb so I will upload the screenshots and post them 2mar.
    6. [ERROR]21:10:31: Exception has occurred while running! Please report error to developer if problem persists: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.dreambot.api.wrappers.map.TileReference.getGridY(TileReference.java:111) at org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.path.impl.LocalPath.walkTileMM(LocalPath.java:93) at org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.path.impl.LocalPath.walk(LocalPath.java:77) at org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.web.node.impl.BasicWebNode.execute(BasicWebNode.java:35) at org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.path.impl.GlobalPath.walk(GlobalPath.java:39) at org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.impl.Walking.walk(Walking.java:123) at com.qqqqqqqq.dreambot.scripts.framework.api.methods.ExtendedWalking.a(Unknown Source) at com.qqqqqqqq.dreambot.scripts.quests.rquester.quests.treegnomevillage.actions.KillTGVBoss.b(Unknown Source) at com.qqqqqqqq.dreambot.scripts.quests.rquester.core.RQuester.onLoop(Unknown Source) at org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript.run(AbstractScript.java:256) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    7. Except for this. I really want to like this bot but I just can't purchase it in its current state because of issues like this ^^^. This is the most recent bug I have found in addition to not clicking on certain quest objects and npcs. Not sure what causes these bugs exactly as I am using the recommended settings and am restarting the bot/client with fresh start and running it once per quest to test. Hopefully they get fixed soon and when that day comes I will be all over this script.
    8. Ill take a screenshot next time I encounter the issue. I always restart my client after the bug fails or else the script ceases to work completely.
    9. All settings are enabled and I am still experiencing bug.
    10. I made sure all these settings were enabled when I was experiening the bug.
    11. RQuester keeps bugging out on certain quests where it has to click to interact with certain objects or talk to NPCs. It gets stuck just clicking around. When I pause the bot and change the camera angle, it starts working. If you could make it to where the script changes camera angle after certain amount of time if nothing happens then I would gladly purchase this script. Other than that issue the script is perfect 100%. I just can't see myself paying 20$ for a script where I have to constantly stop/start the bot client and script or have any kind of interaction at all to get it to work once I have started it. If there is a way to fix this issue that I am not aware of then please let me know. Thanks.
    12. Also can I get free trial? I upvoted/liked.
    13. What do requirements mean in the context they are giving? I am confused. Can I run this script with a fresh account or do I need to get the skill requirements first before it will work?
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