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    NPC newGargoyle = getNpcs().closest(n -> n != null && n.getName().equals("Gargoyle") && n.hasAction("Attack") && n.getHealthPercent() > 0 && n.canAttack()); 

    Still attacks the npc even though the health is at 0 aka it's doing the dying animation.

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    You could try

    && n.getAnimation() != deathAnimationID

    Sure, that'd work but then again the api method would still stay broke and would have to manually get death animation ids for npcs.

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    Sure, that'd work but then again the api method would still stay broke and would have to manually get death animation ids for npcs.

    I know, I'm not saying you shouldn't post about it.  :)

    Just offering a possible solution until your issue is fixed.


    PS; if you try to log the health percentage, do you get a proper value?

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    getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc != null && npc.getName().equals("Gargoyle") && !npc.isInCombat()).interact("Attack");


    This works if you're just trying to find and attack a new gargoyle.

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    NPC newGargoyle = getNpcs().closest(n -> n != null && n.getName().equals("Gargoyle") && !n.isHealthBarVisible() && n.canAttack()); 

    use this.

    getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc != null && npc.getName().equals("Gargoyle") && !npc.isInCombat()).interact("Attack");


    This works if you're just trying to find and attack a new gargoyle.


    no. you'll get a null pointer exception too often for this to be worth it. also, this just doesnt fix his problem.

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    NPC newGargoyle = getNpcs().closest(n -> n != null && n.getName().equals("Gargoyle") && !n.isHealthBarVisible() && n.canAttack()); 

    use this.


    no. you'll get a null pointer exception too often for this to be worth it. also, this just doesnt fix his problem.



    I use this exact line to attack gargoyles in my gargoyle slayer and it's never thrown an exception trying to find and attack a gargoyle. Use what you want, there's obviously more than one way to filter out other gargoyles in combat already.

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    I use this exact line to attack gargoyles in my gargoyle slayer and it's never thrown an exception trying to find and attack a gargoyle. Use what you want, there's obviously more than one way to filter out other gargoyles in combat already.


    right.. if there's no attackable gargoyle, thats going to throw a null pointer. thats just undeniable logic.

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    right.. if there's no attackable gargoyle, thats going to throw a null pointer. thats just undeniable logic.


    I'm just telling you that out of the 20+ hours of me testing my gargoyle script, it's never thrown that error. I'm not arguing with the logic, I'm just saying that an exception wasn't thrown "too often" in my case.

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