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    hey everyone i want to get into gold farming. I have seen some stuff online and im very curious of what people mean by buy a vpn or a proxy server. I dont understand it that much. I want to run around 5-10 bots and possibly more in the future. Can someone help me out to get started, what should i purchase? It be awesome if u could get me a good trusted website

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    VPN: A program that allows your entire computer to connect to the internet with an IP different from yours. For example, under a vpn, you can play using the OSB client under that VPN's IP


    Proxy: only allows the dreambot client or an internet browser to connect under a different IP from yours. Unlike the VPN, proxies doesn't affect the entire computer's IP address like a VPN.  


    I'd advise to use proxies since they are a lot cheaper and allow you to run bots on many different IP's unlike the VPN which would show all your bots under the same ip. 


    To purchase a Proxy, check out Donald Trump's Proxy service on this forum under the services section. It's inexpensive and guaranteed not to be black listed (as in Jagex knows that any accs made on a black listed IP = insta ban)

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    Dude i suggest starting with a very low investment and focus on learning as much as possible,because if you going to focus on trying to make money,its not as easy as it looks and you will get demotivated after the first few bans.

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    Dude i suggest starting with a very low investment and focus on learning as much as possible,because if you going to focus on trying to make money,its not as easy as it looks and you will get demotivated after the first few bans.

    Just like Zibele I suggest you start out with a few bots and learn from the bans. I am doing the same thing. I am farming with just 2 bots since last week. Still didn't get a ban :). I am botting on my own IP at the moment. As I'm progressing, I can think about setting up more bots, a vps or proxies... 

    And don't expect alot of money in the beginning, as that can get extremely demotivating. I earned about 9 dollars in this week with the 2 bots. I know it's not much but it is something and it can help me get motivated to go further. Try to figure out a botting plan as that's kind of crucial to start a farm. You can start farming without a plan to get an idea of farming and the potential. I know I'm not a expert, but I hope this can get you on the right lane.

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