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  • Gains Climbing Boots [Energy restoration] - [Low requirements] - [G.E. support] - [Task system] - [QuickStart]


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    Energy restoration - Low requirements




    • Buys Climbing boots for 12 gp each.
    • When X amount of items have been processed or the desired level has been reached, the bot will start the next task.
    • You can save the task list and settings to a text file and load them quickly.
    • Supports any equipment, for example, jewelry for teleporting.
    • Supports the buying and selling of items in the Grand Exchange.
    • Supports QuickStart.
    • Supports energy restoration items.



    • Have Death Plateau quest completed.



    • Have Coins in the bank.
    • Have Games necklaces in the bank.
    • Have Ring of duelings in the bank.
    • If using energy restoration items, have them in the bank.


    Items supported:

    Energy potion(4).pngSuper energy(4).pngStamina potion(4).pngEnergy_mix(2).png?3a184Super_energy_mix(2).png?9cd45Stamina_mix(2).png?8dbbbGuthix_rest(4).png?80b36Papaya_fruit.png?281b5Strange_fruit.png?27f35Summer_pie.png?a0c7bMint_cake.png?ccf02







    • Fill out the form and save the task list and settings to a text file.
    • Open the text file and copy everything.
    • Add -params "" at the end of your QuickStart file.
    • Paste the settings inside the quotation marks.
    • Example: -params "Tasks:1. Skill: Climbing Boots | Energy restoration item: Strange fruit | Energy restoration threshold: 60 | Equipment: None | Goal: Process 1000 items # Settings:true;50;30;120;70;2"
    • You can edit the text manually but it has to be perfect, otherwise it won't work.


    Click here to leave a review for the script


    Edited by Gains
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    Nice release! Glad to see you are making some quality scripts.



    Used to do this by hand every now and then :P nice script


    Thank you. Appreciate it!

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    • 2 weeks later...

    Just noticed. If you are putting this on SDN this forum page should be in the SDN scripts section not the local Scripts section.

    Yes I know. I will request this to be moved once I got it into SDN.

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