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  • Covert mode


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    So, I bought VIP specifically so i could use covert mode ( since jagex can detect third party software, and its supposed to prevent this). However, I received a ban stating this.


    Our macro detection system has been monitoring your account closely and has detected that you are using illegal 3rd party software which violates the rules of the game and breaches your terms of service with Jagex. 

    Our team have reviewed the evidence and can confirm that you were using illegal botting software. Should you continue to use cheating software we will permanently ban your account with no chance of appeal. 

    Jagex are able to accurately detect all illegal 3rd party software and any promises from their makers about being "totally undetectable" or "no ban guaranteed" are inaccurate. We are always 100% certain before taking permanent action on an account 

    A temporary ban has been placed on your account meaning you will be unable to access the game for the next 48 hours. This is not an appealable offence and we will not review it should you contact us by email, ticket or social media. 

    Please take this time to familiarise yourself with the rules as we would like to see you back in game and part of the community. 


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    If this is real (which it may be), I'll take note that this is probably your main account.


    I've seen main accounts be banned before, and they won't send you a message like this. And they won't usually temp ban you.


    Your siggy also says you ran Fish Lick for 45 hours straight -- that may be part of it.


    But the fact of the matter is, they were scared when they sent you this. It means they did a throughout investigation, and if you were running multiple bots at the same time or doing anything incredibly suspicious it would have tipped them off. I think that covert mode helps, but unbannable I'm not so sure. I've seen 80+ hour prodigies with them, but even then I don't recommend you bot your main. Ever.

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    This is a generic message they send to everyone to try and stop you using the bots. It was most likely the bot pattern of the script that got you banned; don't bot in high botwatched areas. If this was true then as soon as you logged on they would ban you.

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