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  • What was your biggest runescape bank ever?


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    Title of the thread :) What was your biggest runescape bank ever? This can include pre-eoc, rs3, or oldschool runescape bank.


    Let me start this off..


    My biggest bank ever on Pre-eoc was 1.8Bil back when I bet a lot at dragondyce.


    Biggest bank on 07 was 480M when I used to stake a lot, back in May.


    probably around like 75m

    ive only been playing since old-school was released though


    Bout tree fiddy


    beat me to it :(


    probably around like 75m

    ive only been playing since old-school was released though



    beat me to it :(


    Thats pretty good. You make it through staking?


    probably around like 75m

    ive only been playing since old-school was released though



    beat me to it :(

    I'm serious though. It was about 350m ;)


    Thats pretty good. You make it through staking?


    Nope, never staked before.

    Just from gold farming. I'd usually sell gold off once I got around 30-50m mark, but decided to keep a bit more just in case I needed it. :P


    Nope, never staked before.

    Just from gold farming. I'd usually sell gold off once I got around 30-50m mark, but decided to keep a bit more just in case I needed it. :P


    ohhhh. Damn,  should of kept it a bit longer and reach that 100m mark XD


    If you count all the gold I've ever sold, I probably hit ~2.5Bish. Otherwise, the most I've had at once was like 113M since one week I was busy and didn't have time to sell it daily. Before botting I was a peasant and I think 97M was my max cash in 07 legit.


    If you count all the gold I've ever sold, I probably hit ~2.5Bish. Otherwise, the most I've had at once was like 113M since one week I was busy and didn't have time to sell it daily. Before botting I was a peasant and I think 97M was my max cash in 07 legit.


    97M isn't too bad. I remember hitting that around 4 months after 07 because of pid staking, good times :P


    97M isn't too bad. I remember hitting that around 4 months after 07 because of pid staking, good times :P


    I did a combination of Blast Furnace + Merchanting. I got bored though, and sold it all off. :3


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