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  • Sleep function


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    Using sleep() you can get like 1,235 second sleep time, but what i want to achieve is to make it so it sleeps for like 1,23567281 seconds (more digits after comma) is it possible?

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    you can sleep for as long as you want. The method takes an int, so you're limited to whatever 32 bits is, 2,147,483,647

    If you need to sleep for longer than that, then just




    But if you're sleeping for that long I would question what you're doing, and how to do it a different way :P

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    You got it wrong, i need to add more digits after 1,..... so its like 1 second and few thousand miliseconds


    1000  = 1s

    1230 = 1,230s


    what i want is something like 1,234595s (more digits after comma)

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    The sleep method uses milliseconds, so sleep(500) = 0.5s, 100 = 0.1s 6 = 0.006s, etc.


    1.234s would be sleep(1234)


    If you need more precise than that then I have no clue what you're doing haha :P

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