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    Posted (edited)

    Hello, are you having this problem.


    Here's how to solve it.

    Nav yourself to your RuneLite stand alone jre install dir mine in this case is.


    Download a version of the jre, in my case I downloaded 21-lts eclipse temurin as a zip

    extract it locate the same folders and files or similar, that matchs what is in the C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\RuneLite\jre folder.

    Copy, paste, and replace these  files and folders.


    Clean up your mess and close out of everything.

    now open runelite, which will cause the patched dreambot to open instead.

    No more error happy botting!!!


    The problem presets because RuneLite comes with jre 1.8. The dev on the other hand is using a newer version of the jdk which comes packed with the newer jre. When compiled it compiles for the jre version that the jdk is using.


    Let me know if you would like a video clip of how it's done.

    Edited by c0d33rr0r
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