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  • Refund Request VIP

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    VIP/Sponsor/Lifetime Sponsor Refund Template:

    1. Date Purchased: 
    2. Product Purchased: VIP
    3. Reason for Refund: Jagex Account Ban on two accounts within a few hours of using the VIP version (Covert Mode).
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    Hey, we're sorry to hear about the bans. However, in our refund terms it is stated that getting banned isn't a valid reason for a refund. I'm afraid you're not eligible for a refund for this purchase.

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    Right.. Ok...


    Literally had VIP for a matter of hours... Free version no issue, but VIP "covert mode" got the accounts banned... I have cancelled the subscription and would have thought that considering the extremely brief length of time VIP was active that you would have issued a refund.

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