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  • lookin for answers on mini map interaction.

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    i have noticed most pvm scripts that i have purchased, almost soley use the mini map to path, while walking to bosses this is totaly fine  but when interacting with bosses that have to be tile perfect with in a few game ticks, it seems very un human like to repeatidley do this for hours with almost no flaws. i wonder if this is just the way the scripts work, and are coded, or if maybe there is a client setting, i hoped covert mode would help in this but doesnt seem to be the case. sorry if this is in the wrong are to ask but wondering if other people are asking the same question.

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    5 hours ago, fatmanbuddha said:

    i have noticed most pvm scripts that i have purchased, almost soley use the mini map to path, while walking to bosses this is totaly fine  but when interacting with bosses that have to be tile perfect with in a few game ticks, it seems very un human like to repeatidley do this for hours with almost no flaws. i wonder if this is just the way the scripts work, and are coded, or if maybe there is a client setting, i hoped covert mode would help in this but doesnt seem to be the case. sorry if this is in the wrong are to ask but wondering if other people are asking the same question.

    The way the script interacts when walking is entirely up to the script developer. The only thing you as a user will be able to enable/disable is 'No Click Walk' and 'Menu Manipulation'

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