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    Posted (edited)



    General Features

    • Mines upper gems
    • Mines dungeon gems (Medium Karamja diary required)
    • Crafts and fletches gems (Configurable)
      • Banks disabled gems or gems for which you are lacking the requirement
    • Optional dropping uncut gems, cut gems, or bolt tips
    • Gem bag support
    • Uses special attack (Dragon/Crystal pickaxe)
    • Exp tracking
    • Mined gem counter
    • Hops worlds if all gem rocks are depleted (Upper only)
    • Hops worlds if you have been around players for too long (Dungeon only)
    • Start anywhere


    Script Requirements

    • Appropriate pickaxe for your mining level
    • 40 Mining
    • Shilo Village quest completion
    • 500 GP for shilo traversal (If not starting in shilo village)


    Script Recommendations

    • Amulet of glory (Highly recommended to speed up mining. Not required to accommodate ironmen)
    • Medium Karamja diary completion
    • Graceful or prospector's outfit
    • Chisel if crafting or fletching (Will auto-disable crafting/fletching if you don't have a chisel)
    • If crafting up to Diamond: Level 43 crafting
    • If fletching up to Diamond: Level 65 fletching
    • Start script wearing whatever gear you wish for it to wear. The script will only equip the glory and pickaxe to allow gear configuration


    Setup GUI:



    In-game Paint:



    Warning Text Example:


    Edited by morten1ela
    Updated setup GUI image
    Shilo Gem Miner has been approved and is now live on the SDN!


    I've reproduced it. Seems to be an issue with the SDN release version. Not entirely sure why this is happening as the GUI loads on my local build and this is my first time pushing a project to the SDN. I'll be able to work on a fix tomorrow.

    Shilo Gem Miner has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v1.01 and is available in the client!

    • Changed how GUI is constructed to accommodate SDN
    • Changed how paint images are loaded to use the dreambot Images api class
    • Small adjustments to mining sleeps to prevent rock-clicking spam

    Time since request was made: 11 hours, 21 minutes, 57 seconds


    the script is great, but you should cut the tips before banking. right now it keeps the tips every trip. 

    anoter thing, you can use spacebar shortcut to initiate cutting/tipping there is no risk of banning and its quicker

    5 hours ago, juliosardella said:

    you should cut the tips before banking. right now it keeps the tips every trip. 

    I agree. I'll make adjustments to how it cuts, fletches and banks the tips based on your suggestion. When I did the testing I pretty much only used the lower gems so I overlooked these since the bank was only 10 tiles away.

    Posted (edited)
    50 minutes ago, juliosardella said:

    one more. use the deposit all button when nothing is cut or tipped

    Just pushed the update with the aforementioned stuff. I'll add this to the to do list but it'll come a little later.

    Edited by morten1ela

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