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    I am a new user to Dreambot having previously used colour bots extensively. I have three technical questions please.

    (1) What is farm.plista.com? Since running Dreambot java.exe keeps trying to connect to it whilst the clients are open?

    (2) Low CPU Mode - obviously it uses less CPU but can I have some technical information please? Is it just that you can change the FPS so there is obviously less usage or is it something more?

    (3) Ram usage - by default it is set at 384mb but all of my clients use more. It doesn't matter too much but is this feature not working or if I want to use it is there something specific I need to do?

    Thanks in advance,
    RS Blink

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    Bump, really want to know about what farm.plista.com is and why we are trying to connect to it please? Internet says it is spyware?

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    Hey there.

    1) We don't connect to that host, it's probably just an incorrect reverse DNS lookup.

    2) It mostly just enables the FPS slider which can save a lot of CPU, however it also does a few other things internally (extends cache times, etc.)

    3) If your JVM isn't respecting the max heap size you'd need to uninstall it and try another. If you're very strapped for RAM I believe the OpenJ9 variants work a bit better at that (there is a CPU cost though, iirc).

    Hope that helps

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