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  • Still not working? Try downloading and running JarFix
  • Help! My bot doesn't do anything! Enable fresh start in client settings and restart the client
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    Had to start with a nerdy title...! Nice to meet you all.

    Obviously new to the site and only just recently came back to OSRS after a long time away due to particularly ill-health.

    Botted on and off over the many years that RS has existed though I've never touched RS3 (yuck).

    ASL? Why not. I'm in my mid-30s, male and from the UK (near Bristol). I'm a pretty casual botter - so don't run farms but may do in the future once I set up a home lab.

    Looking forward to giving Dreambot a go. Starting off with questing to start with to see how the bot performs.

    Comment below if you're happy for me to reach out if I get any problems - I'm half blind so sometimes navigating miniscule GUIs proves tough 🤣

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