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  • Unwanted Character Change


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    So, mild background info, followed by problem I'm hoping to fix.

    I had about 5 characters, pretty much all got banned. When I had them all, this issue was not prevalent at all. I deleted all the saved accounts in dream bot and created a new one. Again, no issues, but this time with only one character. I have since created a second character just the other day.



    I'll run the new character for maybe a couple hours. During one of the logouts for AFK breaks, or perhaps the script will randomly stop for an event of some kind (telling me to speak to a tutorial guy I've noticed), it will try to change my character. Last night for example, I had character 2 killing chickens with fightaholic, using bronze sword. My first character was logged in, and was killing chickens with a bronze sword when I woke up today, which isn't what I wanted.


    I'm not sure if it's an issue with dreambot, or fightaholic, or if I just need to do some of the new pathways stuff to get it to stop. If anybody has any ideas, I'd appreciate it!

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    Hey there, make sure you're selecting the correct character when you go to start the script (it's a list at the bottom of the Script Manager panel), if you have another selected we'd log in to that one after you log out for the first time.

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