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  • G Herblore [ADD-ON] [AUTO RESTOCK] [INTEGRATED MULING] [Easy Setup] [QuickStart Supported]

    Nuclear Nezz

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v19.4 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • - Changed gathering food logic a bit. It should now get a full invy while gathering. (GMoonsOfPeril / Perilous Moons)
    • - GSlayer Released!
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Mahogany homes should now equip con outfit pieces as it buys them (GMahoganyHomes)
    • - Fixed Moss Giant rolling when you haven't visited kourend (GSlayer)
    • - Fixed issue where Blast furnace would bank for gear you have sitting in GE (GBlastFurnace)
    • - Fixed rare edge case where bird houses would search birds nests with a full inventory (BirdHouse)
    • - Fixed issue where slayer would keep hopping after it saw a player (GSlayer)
    • - Fixed issue in the gui where settings wouldn't display correctly on Slayer tasks (GSlayer)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Will no longer spam swap between melee / mage gear when killing ninja monkey (Awowogei)
    • - Fixed buying staff of fire loop (Awowogei)
    • - Fixed issue with bucket of slime / buckets (Ghosts ahoy)
    • - Added another failsafe to dialogues (Pirate's Treasure)
    • - Fixed timing issue (MEP2)
    • - Will now take all your bronze arrows from bank, stopping a shop loop (Lost City)
    • - "Fixed" knight fight. Jagex broke autocasting (Twilight's Promise)

    Time since request was made: 41 minutes, 48 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v19.5 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • - GAIO Account Builder has been released!
    • - Added alching as a beta option (GSlayer)
    • - Will now pray mage before teleporting to chaos altar (GZombiePirates)
    • - Improved performance (GWildy all)
    • - Debug paint will should no longer cause lag w/ high fps on some scripts
    • - Better gold management (GAIO)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed re-rolling task on quest completion (GAIO Account Builder)
    • - Spiritual creature location rolling fixed when you didn't have gwd unlocked before it rolled task (GSlayer)
    • - Fixed Killerwat task (GSlayer)
    • - No longer tries to disable looting bag while in f2p (All)
    • - NMZ no longer gets stuck withdrawing ovl from bank (GNMZ)
    • - NMZ won't get stuck after attempting to withdraw potions from barrel (GNMZ)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • - Recruitment drive has been added as a beta quest
    • - Will now gear up for meat battles (Druidic Ritual)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Added another failsafe on ores (Dorics)
    • - Will stagger attacks until Sigmund prayers against Zanik (Death to the Dorg)
    • - Potential fix to tele loop (Watchtower)
    • - Fixed cupric step (Recruitment Drive)
    • - Will now properly leave the abyss if you have no other teles (Temple of the Eye)
    • - Can no longer bring bad cabbage if you own one for some reason (Black Knight Fort)
    • - Fixed gear checks again (Awowogei)
    • - Will now check if you're inside the instance when trying to add to crucible (Giants Foundry)
    • - Better inventory management (Peri Moons)

    Time since request was made: 44 minutes, 35 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v19.6 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • - Slayer monsters/locations are now sorted alphabetically (GSlayer)
    • - Added drip option to farming (Farming / AIO)
    • - Better wealth management (AIO)
    • - Added calcified moth tele (MoonsOfPeril)
    • - Should now confirm you want to leave when trying to bank with peril supplies (MoonsOfPeril)
    • - Will now toggle on auto retaliate (GSlayer)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed requesting too much gold from the mule (GAIO)
    • - Fixed Odium Ward requirements (PVM)
    • - Added another failsafe on Lep ultra compost amount (GFarming)
    • - Fixed climbing boot purchase task if you have a glory (AIO)
    • - Will no longer roll NMZ if you're too poor (AIO)
    • - Fixed slayer being unable to roll (AIO)
    • - Should now work be able to roll tasks in F2P (AIO)
    • - Added another failsafe on using the bucket of water (BlastFurnace)
    • - Fixed attempting to buy bottomless bucket when you can't afford it (GFarming)
    • - Added more logging around construction banking (GCon)
    • - Added bone voyage check on birdhouse task (aio)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • -
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • -

    Time since request was made: 40 minutes, 11 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v19.62 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed requirement check on black mask (All)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • -
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • -

    Time since request was made: 37 minutes, 37 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v19.63 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • - Will now pre-eat when gathering and entering (MoonsOfPeril)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed requirement check on black mask (All)
    • - Will no longer make only guthix rests for herblore if running dynamic (GHerblore)
    • - Will now pre-disable any incorrect overheads in quick prayer, pre-enable prot magic (Zombies)
    • - Should no longer swap between burning amulet and glory during anti-pk (Wildy)
    • - Will now properly spec (GMoonsOfPeril)
    • - Fixed virtual slayer lvl reqs on various monsters (GSlayer)
    • - Fixed spam using coffer if lagging a tick (GBlastFurnace)
    • - F2P rolling fixed (AIO)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • -
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed missing dialogue for ms hynn (Recruitment Drive)

    Time since request was made: 39 minutes, 43 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v19.65 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Removed skills tab from sand crabs configuration. It does nothing. (GAIO)
    • - Fixed dwarves again (GSlayer / GAIO)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • **Fixed Bugs**

    Time since request was made: 40 minutes, 17 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v19.8 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • - Removed bone cap (GPrayer)
    • - Added defenders, pest control, and mage arena as tasks. (Minigame config can be found in the quest tab for now) (GAIO)
    • - Added torags (All)
    • - Disabled black skirt from being rolled dynamically (All)
    • - Tempoross can now be configured (GAIO)
    • - Wintertodt can now be configured (GAIO)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Removed skills tab from sand crabs configuration. It does nothing. (GAIO)
    • - Fixed dwarves again (GSlayer / GAIO)
    • - Fixed Slayer not using spiny helmet when it can use black mask (GSlayer)
    • - Fixed issue with wildy getting stuck trying to uncharge an item to sell for upgrades (Wildy)
    • - Don't deposit steel nails when under 19 con (GConstruction)
    • - Added a few failsafes on muling (All)
    • - Fixed some issues with walking to areas (GSlayer)
    • - Will no longer run out of loot area to loot (PirateZombies)
    • - Will now confirm exit dialogue when trying to bank (MoonsOfPeril)
    • - Will now close bank before swapping quick prayers (PirateZombies)
    • - Will now properly reset bottomless compost charges if you don't own a filled bucket (GFarming)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • - Improved get bones step (Awowogei)
    • - Will now bring mage for sigmund fight (Death to the Dorg)
    • - Improved prayer flicking with menu manipulation for Vanstrom fight (SOTF)
    • - Improved pot usage during Vanstrom fight (SOTF)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed NPE (Awowogei)
    • - Added some more delays on initial coal dump when making naphtha so it doesn't overheat
    • - Fixed PIP depo -gt withdraw loop at end
    • - Will now walk to the proper tile to increment state when walking drunk guard (Twilight's Promise)

    Time since request was made: 18 minutes, 56 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v19.9 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • - Rogues' Den has been added as a minigame task (AIO)
    • - GSlayer will now train fm to 4 if you can't light lanterns (GSlayer)
    • - Will now bring more food to pyrefiends if your account is a noob (GSlayer)
    • - Improved timings on rebuilds (MahoganyHomes)
    • - BF will now swap task when on buy limit for coal (AIO)
    • - Will now log out for 30 minutes when failing to buy a manual gear item (All)
    • - Added settings to enable/disable minigames (AIO)
    • - Added a better description for level offsets (AIO)
    • - Will now re-bank every 5~ hours to check state (MoonsofPeril)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Scurrius fixed (AIO)
    • - Single skills shuold work now (AIO)
    • - No longer try to sell bottomless compost bucket with charges (All)
    • - Fixed scurrius bank bug (Scurrius / AIO)
    • - Fixed thieving using dodgy necklace for stalls (GThieving)
    • - Fixed scurrius options not showing (AIO)
    • - Fixed Molanisk task (GSlayer)
    • - Fixed werewolf task (GSlayer)
    • - Fixed Zygomite task (GSlayer)
    • - No longer require steam battle staff for combo runes if not using magic imbue (GRunecrafting)
    • - Better banking (Moons of Peril)
    • - Will now purchase execution item off the GE if missing (GSlayer)
    • - Will now click floor if you can't currently set up quick prays (ZombiePirates)
    • - Will now leave to repair your barrows (GMoonsOfPeril)
    • - Fixed processing walker withdraw loop (Processing)
    • - Mining should now swap equipment to the new pickaxe (GMining)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Will now re-wield the ivandis flail at the correct time (Taste of Hope)
    • - Fixed selling silk if you can use Kourend Castle tele
    • - Fixed webnodes at lost tribe area

    Time since request was made: 36 minutes, 59 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v20.0 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • - If poor goldfarming node weight will be increased significantly
    • - Disabled misc low daily volume gear from being rolled dynamically (All)
    • - GUI should load a bit faster now (All)
    • - Will bring more food if your account is a noob for moss giant task (GSlayer)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed not setting last exp gain when taking a 30 min break due to GE fails (All)
    • - Fixed issue of scripts getting stuck trying to loot food (PVM/Wildy)
    • - Fixed farming trying to note items at leprechaun at farming guild when it can't (GFarming)
    • - Fixed rc thinking it has enough pure ess before restocking when it doesn't (GRunecrafting)
    • - Fixed walking to Rogues' Den during Rogues minigame (GAIO)
    • - Fixed not re-displaying gear from NMZ / Scurr / Crabs (GAIO)
    • - Fixed Blast furnace not restocking properly (GBlastfurnace)
    • - Fixed Skeletal wyverns (GSlayer)
    • - Will now auto light and correctly bring the bug lantern (GSlayer)
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • - Better vanstrom fight (SOTF)
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed chugging super combats at vanstrom (SOTF)
    • - Added a failsafe on peri moon unwalkable tiles
    • - Fixed kourend easy step if you rolled twill accord as your book

    Time since request was made: 35 minutes, 11 seconds

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    GHerblore has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v20.01 and is available in the client!

    • **Changes / New**
    • **Fixed Bugs**
    • - Fixed slayer targeting only harpie bug swarms
    • __**Guester**__
    • **Changes / New**
    • **Fixed Bugs**

    Time since request was made: 34 minutes, 49 seconds

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