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    Hello there,

    I've started writing my own Dreambot scripts recently, however I'm currently stuck with a nasty NullPointerException and I can't figure out what causes it. Is there any way to use a Debugger with Dreambot and step through the script so I can actually see whats going on?


    The best form of debugging is already built in:

    log("Peepee poopoo")
    8 hours ago, MaximusPrimo said:

    The console logs in the client will tell you which line is causing the null pointer error

    Sure, I already know that, but I still can't quite figure it out. My Java knowledge is a bit rusty.

    7 hours ago, Diggington said:

    The best form of debugging is already built in:

    log("Peepee poopoo")

    Well, printf debugging is always possible, however I prefer having an actual debugger.


    Well it's trying to interact with an object etc. that has null value, the fix might be as simple as null checking eg (if thing != null) {doThing();}

    A screenshot of the logger and lines that are invoking the error will help us.


    I'm not asking for support with that specific here, I can fix my programs myself, I know what a NullPointerException is and I can operate a debugger (if I know how to set it up).
    Coming from C++, so I know how to use a debugger.
    Cries in Segmentation Fault (Core dumped)...

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