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    Hello! I am hoping to find someone with experience in temp bans and dreambot.. I was using a barrows script that I have seen get stuck with repetitive opening and closing doors in the basement before. Usually I babysit and notice within 30 seconds... this time I fell asleep and woke up banned. I guess my question is, is my account on Jagex radar now? can they actually see im using dreambot? Am I as safe as I was scripting pre-ban? as  in if I use scripts that dont get stuck/babysit them for when they do.. will I be just as safe as before I got caught. does getting caught put me on  a permanent watchlist? Hopefully my question is coming across lol. Any help would be appreciated.

    If history is helpful.. the account was prob 50/50 scripted/actual play. active chatter in clan and an ironman. plenty of afk time between scripts with frequent breaks. in case it is relevant.



    To be honest, it feels to me like a temp ban flags some sort of manual parole.  Like, You can bot for years on an account, and if you try a new script that gets you banned, now that account is being watching more closely, and scripts that normally don't not trigger the anti-ban system, will start to get you a moderator ban on any accounts associated with that account and IP.


    Temporarily yes. Don't use scripts which can get stuck like that I guess.


    if you keep botting on that account i think it will be perm banned (know from experience) 

    also iv caught a temp 2 day ban, than didnt login for about a week. When i went back to that account it caught a perm ban without it even being logged in since the temp ban


    Temp bans are a joke, I have had accounts go crazy after temp bans. 

    Switch up what you are doing, and go for it. 

    On 9/10/2023 at 7:39 PM, BeetFarmR said:

    Hello! I am hoping to find someone with experience in temp bans and dreambot.. I was using a barrows script that I have seen get stuck with repetitive opening and closing doors in the basement before. Usually I babysit and notice within 30 seconds... this time I fell asleep and woke up banned. I guess my question is, is my account on Jagex radar now? can they actually see im using dreambot? Am I as safe as I was scripting pre-ban? as  in if I use scripts that dont get stuck/babysit them for when they do.. will I be just as safe as before I got caught. does getting caught put me on  a permanent watchlist? Hopefully my question is coming across lol. Any help would be appreciated.

    If history is helpful.. the account was prob 50/50 scripted/actual play. active chatter in clan and an ironman. plenty of afk time between scripts with frequent breaks. in case it is relevant.


    that account is gg, if you have already caught a temp bann


    Your account is definitely being monitored by their soft ban system. If you continue to use the script and do not monitor it, you most likely will get caught into the door loop again and this will most likely end up with the account being permanently banned. You always have a chance of ban and if anyone gives you a definitive number they are lying. As stated for the account being 50/50 hand/botted this will not matter if you are caught again as it is against the rules in the short term. Suggestion would be to give the account a break for a few days and only run basic scripts for the next few weeks. 

    Hope you can continue to stay protected from the hands of Jagex!

    - BlaZe

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