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    I haven't played (or botted) runescape for little over a year now. I was looking to get back into playing (and botting) but found out about how 3rd party clients are bannable nowadays. I think this makes it clear that jagex is now checking which client the player uses. I've always thought that jagex may be keeping logs on which client the player uses to play and may even know if player is using a botting client. However as before it was ok to use the 3rd party clients I think that knowing if player was using a botting client was not enough for a ban, they would have also had to have proof that player used some of the botting features of the client. (As technically you could have been just playing regularly on the botting client without breaking any rules.) Now with the new rules it's clear that player should be banned using any kind of non approved 3rd party client.

    So my question is why are dreambot users not being banned?

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    34 minutes ago, Neffarion said:

    Afaik they can't really identify which third party client you use, they just know it's a third party client.

    But wouldn't that be enough nowadays as you're not allowed to use third party clients? Or do you think that the announcement is just "all talk" at the moment and they do not really know whether you're using approved third party client or non-approved one, just that you're using some third party client and therefore jagex still needs to find evidence from your behavior that you're using unapproved third party client?

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    21 minutes ago, pengwinq said:

    But wouldn't that be enough nowadays as you're not allowed to use third party clients? Or do you think that the announcement is just "all talk" at the moment and they do not really know whether you're using approved third party client or non-approved one, just that you're using some third party client and therefore jagex still needs to find evidence from your behavior that you're using unapproved third party client?

    Jagex has said that you can use 3 specific third party clients. These being Runelite, OSBuddy and HDOS. However, if it was that easy to detect and remove bot's, they would have done it a long time ago. What they did was more to set it officially what they allow you to play on or not. It wasn't meant to remove botting I believe.
    Most people that play legit, play on RuneLite. So if you play on a third party client, it doesn't really make you a target automatically.

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    5 hours ago, pengwinq said:

    why are dreambot users not being banned?

    Well, Dreambot users are getting banned, but not anymore than they were before the 3rd party client announcement lol. IMO the 3rd party client bans were indeed to stop botting, but from a specific type of player, who likes to play legit but use OPRS plugins to automate stuff. For example Hydra plugins that automate end-game content and cost a lot of money because they basically knew it wouldn't be detected. But those plugin developers who know their stuff just spoof Runelite now anyways rofl, so much for stopping botting!

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