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  • Updating the Status on the Client instead of Paint


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    Is it possible to update the text in the bottom left corner of the Client? Mine just says "Starting ScriptName Now!"

    Currently I'm putting things in the Console Log, but it's getting cluttered during repetitive tasks and I would rather just update the status of the script on the client so I don't even need to open to Console.

    I know I can do it with Paint and just overlay it on screen, but curious if it's possible to just use that space in the bottom left on the client window, I just need to put 1 or 2 words there at a time so length isn't an issue.

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    That is perfect, I knew there had to be a way to do it, just got too many results to flip through when searching the word "status" in the java docs haha. Thank you.

    Ooh I can even make them fade and be different colors this is great!

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