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  • can this please be fixed

    dutch ownage

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    can someone tell me why im creating a new account after a hr or 2/3 botting

    already deleted dreambot + cache 

    redownloaded but still does it after a few hrs botting

    its legit so anoying 

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    3 hours ago, dutch ownage said:

    can someone tell me why im creating a new account after a hr or 2/3 botting

    already deleted dreambot + cache 

    redownloaded but still does it after a few hrs botting

    its legit so anoying 


    When you say creating a new account are you talking a runescape account or Dreambot account? Are you creating a new account on RS because they are banned?

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    no its on runescape and its not because im banned he just randomly makes a new account 

    and stays at setting your apareance at creating new acc island

    doenst do much then rotating camera thats it

    then i click dreambot away and restart it i can login to my acc im not banned i can continue botting then after a few hrs it happends again

    i've litterly tried everything it keeps happening

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    4 hours ago, dutch ownage said:

    no its on runescape and its not because im banned he just randomly makes a new account 

    and stays at setting your apareance at creating new acc island

    doenst do much then rotating camera thats it

    then i click dreambot away and restart it i can login to my acc im not banned i can continue botting then after a few hrs it happends again

    i've litterly tried everything it keeps happening


    Are you world hopping? Sounds like it may be hopping to deadman mode worlds.

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    well it goes to the beginners island where u create ur account etc and i see the bot still running using moggys woodcutter

    but i've downloaded the script brave tutorial but didnt use it so i deleted the script but it kinda looks like it randomly starts the brave tutorial script because what that script is needed to do thats ecactly how this looks

    it gets me to the beginner island and just keeps rotating my camera doesnt do much more then that but the woodcutter bot screen keeps counting the time its really anoying i cant afk anymore cuz i have to restart the client after this happends to rerun the wc bot

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    2 hours ago, AsBakedAsCake said:

    Are you world hopping? Sounds like it may be hopping to deadman mode worlds.

    but yes i got world hop mode on because that helps against quick bans right?

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    oh wait i did go by myself to deadmans world this is exactly how it looks like when i see the bot crashing

    thanks this is the problem 


    now my last question can i bot without world hopping or does this make me an easy target for jagex?

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    9 minutes ago, dutch ownage said:

    oh wait i did go by myself to deadmans world this is exactly how it looks like when i see the bot crashing

    thanks this is the problem 


    now my last question can i bot without world hopping or does this make me an easy target for jagex?

    You can totally bot without world hopping, just dont go botting where everyone is on a server if you aren't muling off the accounts every few hours.

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