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    At some point over the last few weeks, the web nodes allowing for web walking to navigate the staircases in lumby castle seem to have been removed. One function of my script banked at lumbridge and walked using web walking. This used to work, but appears to be broken now.

    No script is executing in the screenshots below, so no script would've removed these nodes accidentally.




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    its use local pathfinders .

      LocalPath<Tile> test2 = Walking.getDijPathFinder().calculate(start, finish);
     	java.util.Map<Tile,PathObstacle> testpo = test2.obstacles();
        java.util.Map<Tile,PathObstacle> testpo = test2.obstacles();
            MethodProvider.log("testpo size + " + testpo.size() );
            for(java.util.Map.Entry item : testpo.entrySet()){
                MethodProvider.log("testpo  tile  + " + item.getKey());
                PathObstacle potest =  testpo.get(item.getKey());
                MethodProvider.log("potest  getName()  + " + potest.getName());
                MethodProvider.log("potest  getAction()  + " + potest.getAction());

    16:01:29: [SCRIPT] testpo  tile  + (3205, 3229, 1)
    16:01:29: [SCRIPT] potest  getName()  + Staircase
    16:01:29: [SCRIPT] potest  getAction()  + Climb-up
    16:01:29: [SCRIPT] testpo  tile  + (3205, 3229, 0)
    16:01:29: [SCRIPT] potest  getName()  + Staircase
    16:01:29: [SCRIPT] potest  getAction()  + Climb-up
    16:01:29: [SCRIPT] test + 11


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