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    I am familiar with the Java language but the only thing I've really done is to download already developed RuneScape private server source codes and then played around with that code, like changing text, pasting snippets. But that is pretty much it, and it was 10 or more years ago. Today I work with computers, but it's not related to programming at all. I have tried to get into programming but always gave up. However, I have this dream, this dream of writing my very own script that does exactly what I want it to and then keep adding to that script to make it as good as I could get it, and then share it with you guys and begin working on another script.

    However it feels like the world of IT is moving so fast. Or, I know it is. What do you experienced scripters and developers say? Could someone totally novice join your world and learn this stuff and create something before botting becomes obsolete or the game dies?

    I know that the answer is pretty much that only I can determine that, how much work I am willing to put in etc... At least I think that's the answer. I guess what I am asking for is... Do you have an pointers for me? I guess I should start by learning the basics of Java? Do I need to get somewhat advanced in Java before even thinking about scripting for OSRS?

    Kind regards

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    2 hours ago, coopbank2 said:

    Could someone totally novice join your world and learn this stuff and create something before botting becomes obsolete or the game dies?


    2 hours ago, coopbank2 said:

    I guess I should start by learning the basics of Java?


    2 hours ago, coopbank2 said:

    Do I need to get somewhat advanced in Java before even thinking about scripting for OSRS?

    Depends on what you want to build. also depends on what you mean by advanced java. but really no, your knowledge becomes "advanced" as a result of practice, finding problems and then solving them. theres no way to learn advanced concepts without building simple things.

    2 hours ago, coopbank2 said:

    Do you have an pointers for me?


    https://dreambot.org/guides/scripter-guide/script-dev/setting-up-dev-env/ dreambot guides on how to get ur first script going

    https://dreambot.org/javadocs/allclasses-noframe.html this is a searchable list of all classes and methods you will need to write scripts.

    https://discord.gg/wvZaH3W this is the dreambot edu discord server, here you can ask questions on how to do stuff and get answers quickly

    https://github.com/milasoft/looter/blob/master/src/milasoft/looter this is my favourite example script. its old so you dont want to copy the actual methods in it. e.g. getBank().open is using the old dreambot api, now it would be Bank.open(), but the overall way the script is designed gives you a good idea on how to do some more complex things

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    19 hours ago, camalCase said:



    Depends on what you want to build. also depends on what you mean by advanced java. but really no, your knowledge becomes "advanced" as a result of practice, finding problems and then solving them. theres no way to learn advanced concepts without building simple things.


    https://dreambot.org/guides/scripter-guide/script-dev/setting-up-dev-env/ dreambot guides on how to get ur first script going

    https://dreambot.org/javadocs/allclasses-noframe.html this is a searchable list of all classes and methods you will need to write scripts.

    https://discord.gg/wvZaH3W this is the dreambot edu discord server, here you can ask questions on how to do stuff and get answers quickly

    https://github.com/milasoft/looter/blob/master/src/milasoft/looter this is my favourite example script. its old so you dont want to copy the actual methods in it. e.g. getBank().open is using the old dreambot api, now it would be Bank.open(), but the overall way the script is designed gives you a good idea on how to do some more complex things

    Thank you so much! I am looking very much forward to diving deeper into this!

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    • 3 weeks later...

    You have a desire to be able to write scripts, but you're afraid by the time you learn those skills will be obsolete.

    Some words of wisdom, success is where opportunity meets preparedness. If you're not prepared, you can't take advantage of the opportunity (scripting on the game) and it'll just pass you by.

    Pause. Relative to your specific situation... If you learn how to script, there is 'longevity' in the programming you will have learned. That knowledgebase is applicable outside of just Runescape scripts. There is value in that.

    On the other hand, you can prepare all you want, but if the opportunity doesn't present itself then you should still be glad that you put in the effort. That within itself is an accomplishment. It will count for something. Which circles back to what I mentioned earlier in there being extrinsic value, there may be a different opportunity laying ahead that you don't know is coming. And when it enters your scope, you will be prepared.




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