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    I think Fagex has a way to see what the players are seeing, and when a player has messed up camera angles yet 100% accurately clicks on banks through walls or items on the floor or interactable things... sus. I mean, how many people use those angles in game? like 0%. Included is a pic of an example of what I mean

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    they dont send back camera data lol. nor do they care about they angle the camera is at since they cant tell if there's an object in the way or not.

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    On 12/16/2021 at 3:39 PM, Taytot said:



    I think Fagex has a way to see what the players are seeing, and when a player has messed up camera angles yet 100% accurately clicks on banks through walls or items on the floor or interactable things... sus. I mean, how many people use those angles in game? like 0%. Included is a pic of an example of what I mean

    It is highly unlikely this is the reason your accounts are being banned. Likely it is due to IP being flagged / script used is already profiled. Camera angle shouldn't matter unless it is being looked at by a person, which it likely isn't. Only time it may matter is if you're botting inferno cape lol

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