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  • Script paint up to date examples


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    I have been getting alot of PM's asking about script paint , so i figured i might as well just throw this on the forums so everybody can have up to date examples :) 

        // A method to get an image from a URL 
        public Image getImage(String url) {
            try {
                return ImageIO.read(new URL(url));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return null;
        //Use getImage("Direct imgur URL") to paint a simi transparent paint background for example/Make your own custom frame
        public Image mainPaint = getImage("https://i.imgur.com/yuQc.png");
        // Drawn() is our method for drawing which we will be calling in onPaint()
        // it would look something like this :
    //    @Override
    //    public void onPaint(Graphics graphics) {
    //        try {
        //    Here we are calling Drawn();
    //           Drawn(graphics);
    //        } catch (Exception e) {
    //            e.printStackTrace();
    //        }
    //    }
        public void Drawn(Graphics graphics) {
            // Drawing the Image / background , 0,0 Are x,y positions 0,0 being the top left corner 
            graphics.drawImage(mainPaint, 0, 0, null);
            // Setting a font
            graphics.setFont(new Font("Century Gothic", Font.BOLD, 12));
            // Setting a color          R     G    B 
            graphics.setColor(new Color(135, 135, 125));
            // can also be for example : graphics.setColor(Color.BLACK);
            //Drawing a string   // The string will update by it self, here im tracking smithing Exp/hour          x  , y
            // You can draw stuff like RunTime, Total gained exp , total items gained , anything you can think of really
            graphics.drawString("Estimated Xp/hour: " + SkillTracker.getGainedExperiencePerHour(Skill.SMITHING) , 20 , 50);
    • 3 weeks later...

    Thank you for this! Is there an easy way to get the coordinates or just guess and check? 

    On 9/26/2021 at 2:47 AM, DaffyDubz said:

    Thank you for this! Is there an easy way to get the coordinates or just guess and check? 

    Youre welcome :) , you can get the cords by enabling the Show mouse position tool in the client 


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