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  • getCurrentMenuOptions / Randomize which GroundItem to interact with on the same Tile?


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    Just trying to figure out how to randomize which GroundItem gets interacted with when they're on the same tile. Right now, I can't seem to select any entry other than the first appearance of the item in the menu regardless of which one I'm targeting.

    Here's a snippet trying to randomize it:

    GroundItem[] g2 = getGroundItems().getItemsOnTile(g.getTile());
    if (g2 != null) {
        ArrayList<GroundItem> myList = new ArrayList<GroundItem>();
        for (GroundItem t : g2) {
            if (t.getName().equals(g.getName()))
        if (myList.size() > 1) {
            g = myList.get(Calculations.random(0, myList.size()));
            log("Target randomized: " + g.getName());

    So I decided I would do it manual (i.e. Open a the menu at the specified tile, get menu entries, match entries against the target item and click a random menu index that matches) but it seems like there must be a cleaner solution. I just started to throw this together but before I could continue on it I realized there's an issue: getMenuOptions get ALL menu options around, not just from the currently open menu so it doesn't know which option to click.

    Is there a getCurrentMenuOptions()?

    private boolean manualInteract(GroundItem g, String option) {
            GroundItem[] g2 = getGroundItems().getItemsOnTile(g.getTile());
            if (g2 != null) {
                ArrayList<GroundItem> items = new ArrayList<GroundItem>();
                for (GroundItem t : g2) {
                    if (t.getName().equals(g.getName()))
                if (items.size() <= 1) {
                    return g.interact(option.trim());
                } else {
                    sleep(100, 500);
                    if (getMenu().open()) {
                        sleep(50, 500);
                        if (getMenu().isMouseOnAction(option + g.getName())) {
                            sleep(50, 100);
                        } else {
                            int index = 0;
                            ArrayList<Integer> menuIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                            String[] menuOptions = getMenu().getMenuOptions();
                            for (String t : menuOptions) {
                                if (t != null) {
                                    //log("Menu option: " + t);
                                    if (t.contains(g.getName())) {
                                        log("Menu index for " + g.getName() + ": " + index);
                            if (menuIndexes.size() > 1) {
                                sleep(150, 250);
                                log("Target randomized: " + g.getName());
                                return (getMenu().clickIndex(menuIndexes.get(Calculations.random(0, menuIndexes.size()))));
                    } else {
                        log("Failed at open()");
            return false;


    Any advice would be awesome 

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    3 hours ago, Pseudo said:

    So what you're doing doesn't work? Or?

    Nope it doesn't. My method to randomize the grounditems doesn't randomize, it clicks the first entry.

    And my method to manually click it doesn't work either because getMenuOptions gets all menu options, not the open menu's.


    Looking for suggestions.

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    Figured out I needed to be calling getMenuRows() not getMenuOptions()

    I've updated the original post with the snippet should anyone want it, it could definitely be improved though.

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    Nm, I can't update my post so here's the snippet


     private boolean manualInteract(GroundItem g, String option) {
            GroundItem[] g2 = getGroundItems().getItemsOnTile(g.getTile());
            if (g2 != null) {
                ArrayList<GroundItem> myList = new ArrayList<GroundItem>();
                for (GroundItem t : g2) {
                    if (t.getName().equals(g.getName()))
                if (myList.size() <= 1) {
                    return g.interact(option.trim());
                } else {
                    sleep(100, 500);
                    if (getMenu().open()) {
                        sleep(50, 500);
                        if (getMenu().isMouseOnAction(option + g.getName())) {
                            sleep(50, 100);
                        } else {
                            int index = 0;
                            ArrayList<Integer> menuIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                            List<MenuRow> rows = getClient().getMenu().getMenuRows();
                            for (MenuRow row : rows) {
                                if (row.getAction().equals(option) &&  row.getObject().contains(g.getName())) {
                                    //log("Menu index for " + g.getName() + ": " + index);
                            if (menuIndexes.size() > 1) {
                                sleep(150, 250);
                                log("Target randomized: " + g.getName());
                                return (getMenu().clickIndex(menuIndexes.get(Calculations.random(0, menuIndexes.size()))));
                    } else {
                        log("Failed at open()");
            return false;


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