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    Lets say for example i was in rev caves, is there a way to detect which player is attacking which revenant?


    seems complex but i feel like anythings dooable 

    if anyone has experience with this please lmk

    Player player = getPlayers().closest(p->p!=null && p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("playerName"));
    if(player != null) {
    	if(player.isInCombat()) {
    		Character npcInteractingWithPlayer = player.getInteractingCharacter();
    		//then you can do whatever you want with the character.. like.. getName.. etc..

    ^ that's how you can get the characters interacting with the player

    you can also call .all(); and loop through them getting all the npcs all the players in the room are interacting with like so:

    List<Player> players = getPlayers().all();
    for(Player player : players) {
      if(player.isInCombat()) {
        Character character = player.getInteractingCharacter();

    you can also compare the InteractingCharacter that you get from the code above with your character.. etc..

    12 hours ago, Defiled said:
    Player player = getPlayers().closest(p->p!=null && p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("playerName"));
    if(player != null) {
    	if(player.isInCombat()) {
    		Character npcInteractingWithPlayer = player.getInteractingCharacter();
    		//then you can do whatever you want with the character.. like.. getName.. etc..

    ^ that's how you can get the characters interacting with the player

    you can also call .all(); and loop through them getting all the npcs all the players in the room are interacting with like so:

    List<Player> players = getPlayers().all();
    for(Player player : players) {
      if(player.isInCombat()) {
        Character character = player.getInteractingCharacter();

    you can also compare the InteractingCharacter that you get from the code above with your character.. etc..


    4 hours ago, kamilo said:


    No Problem, Good luck with your script!


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