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    I'm trying to add a delay to the LoginSolver, but so far am having no luck. The below code should:

    • Detect that im logged out
    • Wait 10 seconds
    • Log in
    • Once logged in disable LoginSolver (it never gets to this part)
    • Continue with the script (in this case outputting hello world!)

    but it just keeps trying to run the login code over and over again


    public class Main extends AbstractScript {
        public void onStart() {
        public int onLoop() {
            if (!GameState.valueOf("LOGGED_IN").equals(true)) {
                log("got here 1 !!!!");
                //int sleepamount = Calculations.random(30, 181); // 30 seconds - 180 seconds (3 minutes)
                int sleepamount = 10;
                log("Will log in in: " + sleepamount + " seconds");
                sleep(sleepamount * 1000);
                log("starting login");
            } else if (GameState.valueOf("LOGGED_IN").equals(true)) {
                log("got here 2 !!!");
            log("Hello, world!");
            return 3000;



    I think that did it. Pseudo's suggestion did the trick.

    public class Main extends AbstractScript {
        public void onStart() {
        public int onLoop() {
            if (getClient().getGameState() != GameState.LOGGED_IN) {
                //int sleepamount = Calculations.random(30, 181); // 30 seconds - 180 seconds (3 minutes)
                int sleepamount = 10;
                log("Will log in in: " + sleepamount + " seconds");
                sleep(sleepamount * 1000);
                log("starting login");
                return 0;
            log("Hello, world!");
            return 3000;


    19 minutes ago, Samuel91 said:

    I think that did it. Pseudo's suggestion did the trick.

    public class Main extends AbstractScript {
        public void onStart() {
        public int onLoop() {
            if (getClient().getGameState() != GameState.LOGGED_IN) {
                //int sleepamount = Calculations.random(30, 181); // 30 seconds - 180 seconds (3 minutes)
                int sleepamount = 10;
                log("Will log in in: " + sleepamount + " seconds");
                sleep(sleepamount * 1000);
                log("starting login");
                return 0;
            log("Hello, world!");
            return 3000;


    Glad to hear pal. It was more of a guess than anything, lol. Never actually tampered with the login random myself, but I had a vague recollection of using that method to check when/if I happened to be logged in.


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