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  • Who's the cheapest scripter


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    Who's the cheapest scripter yet professional ? Need them to be professional so I can bot 19/hours a day but the cheapest you can pay for a private script

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    Not really a good question to ask =/ to broad an opened ended.


    IMO the proper approach to this would to of been to draft up a good document on the idea.  Then directly message each private scripter (can be found in the appropriate forum section) and ask for quotes.  While I am sure all offer great work the value:work ratio could vary greatly.  While someone might offer the cheapest rates it night take them many more hours for a product that might be of lesser quality compared to a more expensive scripter per hour who would take less hours. 

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    Like Yeeter said.

    You might find a scripter that charges 10/hr, but will take 40 hours.

    Or you might find a scripter that charges 30/hr, but will take 8 hours.

    Most scripters adjust their prices accordingly. Keep in mind, you're asking them to write you a product that makes you money. Saying you don't want to pay them much money is just sort of cheap and shitty, and the script will likely reflect that.

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