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    why not use getBank rather than setting a GameObject?

    		getBank.depositAllItems; //other options for depositing
    	}else {
    		getBank.openClosest; //you can choose specific banks, ie FALADOR_WEST and other shit

    (that's about as simplified as can get)


    Edit: I could be remembering some of the shit wrong but it's basically that

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    On 4/23/2019 at 8:51 AM, guydatpwnz said:

    can someone tell me why Bank.close(); is getting a error?


    Because Bank is a class that you can't access like that since it's not static. You're definitely new to scripting/programming and just by watching your code you have a lot to learn.

    What you want to do is getBank().close() although it won't work the way you want since the logic in that code is very bad.

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