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    There seems to be a problem with misinterpreting what this subsection should be used for.

    The Script Management section is for scripts that have inactive scripters, or have had a problem that they are aware of not fixed that makes using the script not possible.

    The Broken Scripts section is for scripts that break and aren't fixed in a reasonable time. If you find a bug post it in their thread and if they do not fix the problem within the time given (say two weeks) then post a thread here.
    I would also suggest PMing the scripter (if he hasn't replied in a few days) before you post here, just to be sure that he's aware of the issue (I miss error posts on some of my threads, and don't see the post for a few days).

    If he has no intention of fixing the script (tells you, or he just doesn't fix it/respond in the given time), then we will remove it and their rank.

    The Outdated Scripts section is for scripts that use outdated API (it will throw a lot of errors at you) or scripts that need to be updated due to RS updates (Like my Herblore script :( ).
    If you see a script like that, I'd also suggest the same thing as above. Post on the thread that something is outdated (with as much detail as possible), send them a PM, and if you don't get a reply (or if the scripter just hasn't been online in more than a week) post here and we'll remove the script and his rank.

    We want to keep our SDN as clean as possible, this means removing scripts that don't work or have lazy scripters. We can't test all of the scripts every update, so we rely on you, the community, to report any major issues with the scripts. Help us keep the SDN clean, but remember to give the scripter some time before posting here. :)

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