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  • Selling 4+ day rested 66 magic account (3.5m)


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    EDIT: SOLD TO USER: BMC, Cheers m8 thanks for the trade!

    Stats of the account: https://gyazo.com/f4820118268c58e28b776adf11244ae5

    Account status (bans, mutes): None

    Login screen: https://gyazo.com/bfbfb6bb63fbe8c621defd81600bb784

    Quests (completed): None

    Account wealth (non-tradeable or tradeable): Nothing valuable.

    Minimum bid (price to start bids): 3m

    Autowin: 3m

    Payment method: 07 gold

    Trading conditions (middleman): You go first, I wouldn't risk sponsorship over selling an account thats worth around $3.00 lol

    Previous owners (if any): From Moderator Primes Account shop.

    Message me on discord or post back if you'd like to buy the account. Since the account is only 10 hp, i'll let it go for 3m as I'm never going to use this account.

    10 hours ago, wais100 said:

    i'd like to buy thanks :)

    Sure, do you have a discord? If not PM me and I can send you the world and meeting place :) I'll be online for a while now.

    Edit: I guess this guy never replied, still selling.

    17 minutes ago, AsBakedAsCake said:

    I guess there's no bump button anymore, so bump?

    I just put up the same account, i assumed there was no bump button for me because i haven't bought vip etc, but you don't have a bump button either?

    I just read about the vip in the "upgrade to vip" tab, they have allowed anyone to change the title of their thread, but not removed it from the list.

    doesn't say anything about bumping as far as i can see.


    This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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