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    Pandemic's Automator Lifetime

    (0 reviews)
    49.99 USD
    Author: @Pandemic

    Pandemic's Automator (BETA)

    Save time by automating your entire botting workflow today!
    Join the Discord
    Guides, tips, support, and more can all be found in our Discord.
    Hundreds of Actions
    Powered by the same powerful scripting engine as Pandemic's Script Creator,
    Pandemic's Automator lets you automate almost anything you may need:
    Restocking/Loadouts (from the bank and the G.E. if necessary) Selling items on the G.E. Muling Bonding Changing Accounts Starting and Stopping DreamBot Scripts Walking World Hopping Changing Game Settings and much more! Buy Pandemic's Script Creator to Unlock More!
    If you own both Pandemic's Script Creator and Pandemic's Automator, you get to access ALL actions when you use either.
    This means you can use the Automator's Muling and Restocking actions inside of your Pandemic's Script Creator Scripts or use any PSC action in your Automations!
    QuickStart Support
    You can easily save and QuickStart your Automations by simply passing the path to the Automation:
    Advanced users can also pass in variables to be used in their Automations:
    In Editor Action Search
    Forgot where that action was in the menus, or just more of a keyboard power user? There's no longer a need to look through many levels of menus with the in editor Action Search (Shift+Shift):

    Thread: https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/topic/29821-pandemics-automator-automate-your-entire-botting-workflow-restocking-muling-more/


    About Pandemic's Automator Lifetime

    Author: @Pandemic


    Pandemic's Automator (BETA)


    Save time by automating your entire botting workflow today!

    Join the Discord

    Guides, tips, support, and more can all be found in our Discord.

    Hundreds of Actions

    Powered by the same powerful scripting engine as Pandemic's Script Creator,
    Pandemic's Automator lets you automate almost anything you may need:

    • Restocking/Loadouts (from the bank and the G.E. if necessary)
    • Selling items on the G.E.
    • Muling
    • Bonding
    • Changing Accounts
    • Starting and Stopping DreamBot Scripts
    • Walking
    • World Hopping
    • Changing Game Settings
    • and much more!

    Buy Pandemic's Script Creator to Unlock More!

    If you own both Pandemic's Script Creator and Pandemic's Automator, you get to access ALL actions when you use either.

    This means you can use the Automator's Muling and Restocking actions inside of your Pandemic's Script Creator Scripts or use any PSC action in your Automations!

    QuickStart Support

    You can easily save and QuickStart your Automations by simply passing the path to the Automation:


    java -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Pandemic's Automator" C:\Users\YOURNAME\MyAutomation.json

    Advanced users can also pass in variables to be used in their Automations:


    java -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Pandemic's Automator" C:\Users\YOURNAME\MyAutomation.json Account "My Account" World 229


    In Editor Action Search

    Forgot where that action was in the menus, or just more of a keyboard power user? There's no longer a need to look through many levels of menus with the in editor Action Search (Shift+Shift):


    Thread: https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/topic/29821-pandemics-automator-automate-your-entire-botting-workflow-restocking-muling-more/


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